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REX, ZOMBIE KILLER hits shops today!

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone in the community who pre-ordered Rex, Zombie Killer #1! And for anyone else interested in it, just a reminder that it hits stores TODAY, 5/2!

I haven't updated on this since the new forums, so I'll just say we've been lucky enough to get a number of great reviews recently -- including NEWSARAMA yesterday! If you're on the fence, hopefully these will help...

FANGORIA magazine: "...wonderfully fresh and different...highly's pure fun, but so much more."

NEWSARAMA: Rated 9 out of 10! "highly recommend"

SHOCK TILL YOU DROP: " of the most unique horror comics in years..."

AIN'T IT COOL NEWS: "...a real hoot...can’t wait for the next issue..."




  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    Awesome - congrats!

    Is REX, ZOMBIE KILLER available in digital form?
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Thanks, John!

    Not yet (on the digital front). Stores only, for now. But I hope to get it out there digitally in the future...
  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    @RobAnderson - thanks for the quick reply. The digital way would be more convenient (and more obtainable) for us foreigners ;)
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    edited May 2012
    Well, in the meantime...

    BROKEN FRONTIER was kind enough to do a review & a 14-page free preview today!


    "Rex is so much more than another survival horror book...packs a ton of exciting skull-crushing content...Many of the pages are overrun with decomposing zombie hordes, or even armies of dogs...incredibly moving, and at times hilarious..."


  • peedmyselfpeedmyself Posts: 105
    Good luck with the release. My wife heard the ad on We're Alive and actually got interested. She wouldn't even give walking dead a shot.
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Good luck with the release. My wife heard the ad on We're Alive and actually got interested. She wouldn't even give walking dead a shot.
    Hey, that's great to hear -- thanks for sharing that! It's hard to know for sure how far the We're Alive spot reached, but I *love* that show, so it's good to hear from someone who noticed!

    If anyone else here would like to hear that audio trailer, here's a link:

  • Rob was at my LCS today for FCBD. It was a pleasure to meet him in person he was extremely nice and it's always fun to meet someone I heard about on CGS. I got my signed copy of Rex Zombie Killer and Rob gave me an uncolored copy of some future cover art for my 2 yr old son to color, who was attending his first FCBD.
    I am constantly amazed at the great comics community that CGS has generated and it's awesome to be exposed to great creators and people I would have otherwise not met.
    @RobAnderson thanks for making FCBD memorable for me and my son.
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Hi Floyd! -- It was a pleasure meeting you and your son! Glad you had a great FCBD. Grace and I had a blast, too, and, wow, it was busy all day!

    And for everyone else -- I *love* meeting CGS listeners at signings and shows. Along with Floyd, quite a few came by the store where I was signing during FCBD yesterday. I never cease to be amazed by the reach of CGS! If you're at Heroes Con, please DO come by the Big Dog Ink booth and say "hi" to me and DaFu and let us know you're a CGS listener!
  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    Awesome sketches B-)
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    My LCS was able to get me one in just this week and he ordered a couple extra for the store as well. Best of luck!
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Thanks so much for picking it up, Zhurrie!

    As it turns out, some shops serviced by the Diamond Plattsburgh warehouse had their shipments of Rex, Zombie Killer (and some other books) delayed by a week due to a trucking accident, so some folks are just getting their copies this week.

    Glad to hear yours made it there! =)
  • KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    I requested an X-Man. Any X-Man. So obviously mine is Tinker Bell.

    Seriously though.... that's an awesome sketch. Thank you to DaFu and thank you to Murd for not knowing where Bernard the Poet first appeared (that's the one I was most worried you'd get me on).
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Glad you like it, Kyle!

    Yeah, that was a good question. I never would've gotten it, even though I know there was an article in Comic Buyer's Guide I read about Bernard (or at least some story related) that reproduced a page that showed him...

    Adam's knowledge is still scary, though..
  • @RobAnderson - I read Rex Zombie Killer this week and really enjoyed it. I'm usually a straight superhero reader so this is the kind of thing I would not have picked up if not for hearing about it on CGS. Seeing the typical post apocalyptic biker gang getting their just desserts from a gang of smart and determined animals was fun and a good twist on your normal zombie story. I also really liked the last page and I am interested to see where it's going.

    Has issue 2 been solicited yet? I normally get my books from DCBS so I want to make sure I order it in time.

    I never like Benji or Babe so Rob you did an amazing job with the story to get me interested in a genre I almost always skip.
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Thanks so much, Floyd!! I'm glad you enjoyed it -- that means a lot to me.

    It was a one-shot for the time being, but (as you pointed out) there's more story to tell. I'm working on another full miniseries on a different project at the moment, but I'm hoping to return to Rex, ZK thereafter; not sure if it will be another double-sized one-shot or a miniseries, though.

    I want to get more of this story out there, for sure!
  • nhartznhartz Posts: 12
    I got Rex at my LCS and he had ordered 5 copies and sold out of all of them. It was such a great book! I can't wait to see what you have in store next. The artwork was just beautiful and I too was a winner for Muddling Murd. I was the one who got Bob(Marvel Boy). I am so happy with how it turned out.
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    Hey Rob, I finally got time to read it last night. I hope you won't mind some constructive criticism but just a few things hung with me as I read through it. I think Dafu Yu is definitely more at home drawing humans, clothing, and architecture. He shines (like really shines, I was always loving any page with a rotter or two on it) on those but the animals and animal anatomy may not be the strongest suit for him. The colorist may not have done a lot for his art though either, it was a bit too Adobe Illustrator-ish and overdone in places, but there were a few panels that weren't and the architecture and environments seemed really well colored. To be fair animals are tough, so I'm not being hard on anyone just honest. The writing was good a few times it pulled me out a bit or was used to state what could be seen in the art which was a little redundant or made some leaps from what was seen in the art (like just the collar laying and the cat surmising the entire setup from it) but it was all fairly minor and mostly just some polishing and tightening up.

    I loved the second pinup piece and would have enjoyed that for the whole book, it seemed like they may have been submitted to the printer in too low of res or DPI though and got kind of pixelated. I still liked the look of that second one though, a lot.

    Again, just some thoughts to help, feedback is always hard to come by. Overall though I liked the premise and the story and after 50+ pages was actually bummed it ended so soon so I'd definitely like to know and see more!
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    @Zhurrie Thanks for the thoughts! Definitely aware of stuff like the pin-up pixelation, but it's printed now... I'm at least glad you were bummed when it ended and that you want to see more -- I appreciate you picking it up!

    @nhartz GREAT to hear that your LCS sold all his copies! And that you enjoyed the book (and the sketch by DaFu)! Thanks for letting me know!
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    @RobAnderson definitely man, and I totally understand, I know it is hard to convey intention and tone in text but since I saw you had worked with Comicsexperience I figured you were good with comments/critiques and I know feedback can be hard to come by so it was all meant with the absolute best of intentions. I did really enjoy the tale and I definitely will be looking for more! My LCS sold the extra copies too! I wish you nothing but the best success! It is a fine comic and you should definitely be proud!
  • dafudafu Posts: 5
    Thank you everyone for your comments and constructive criticism. I am glad you guys enjoyed REX and the sketches. I had a fun time drawing some characters I’ve never drawn before for the sketches.
    I’ll be at HeroesCon with Rob at the Big Dog Ink booth, feel free to drop by and say hi.
    Again thanks everyone for picking up a copy of REX.
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    @dafu A number of regulars and the owner of my LCS (whom is a good friend) all were blown away with your zombies, the clothing, and the environments. It was a topic of discussion for a good hour or so! You definitely have a great eye there.
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    @dafu A number of regulars and the owner of my LCS (whom is a good friend) all were blown away with your zombies, the clothing, and the environments. It was a topic of discussion for a good hour or so! You definitely have a great eye there.
    @Zhurrie -- that's great to hear! Thanks for sharing that!

    @DaFu -- you rock! ;)

  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Hey folks!

    If you'll be at HEROES CON, June 22-24, 2012 in Charlotte, NC, me and DaFu Yu -- the writer and artist on REX, ZOMBIE KILLER -- will be hanging in the Big Dog Ink booth #420. (More info on RZK at

    Please stop by and say "hi"! We'll have copies of Rex, Zombie Killer #1 if anybody would like a copy, or we're happy to sign the copies you have. AND you don't have to buy anything, OK? We just like to meet fellow CGS listeners!

    Happy to report that the reviews are still coming in for RZK. Here's quotes from the latest, from COMIC BUYERS' GUIDE magazine out this week and from RUE MORGUE magazine out this month.

    Hope to see you at Heroes Con!

    COMIC BUYERS' GUIDE magazine:
    "Terrific characters, crisp writing, good art and storytelling, thrills aplenty...'Rex, Zombie Killer' is a smart, smart comic book..." --Tony Isabella's "Tony's Tips" Column, Issue #1692


    RUE MORGUE magazine:
    ", suspenseful and genuinely moving. Yes, the gorilla is cool, but any comic that brings a tear to this cynical reviewer's eye is a genuine winner." --Pedro Cabezuelo, Issue #123


  • bustybusty Posts: 104
    Got my copy of rex,shame it looks like I missed an issue or set up though.
    Good concept and great art,just wouldve liked to have been there from the start.Also was expecting a oneshot,if I'd known it was going to be an eventual ongoing idve give it a miss.
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    @busty sorry you feel that way! We did our best to complete the main story arc (the animals versus bikers) in the one-shot, but did want to give a hint of a larger story, too.

    I know it's a tough balance to hit; we tried out best -- sorry it didn't work for you!

  • bustybusty Posts: 104
    Was a good story,but felt with all the animals already there that I missed the gang getting together.
    Apart from that you did a great job.xx
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    Thanks, @busty! I really appreciate you saying that!
  • I felt a bit similar to busty at first. It did feel like I'd been thrown in at the deep end but thats not always a bad thing. After a few pages I got a feel for who the characters were and then the story drew me in. I just assumed that being a one shot, that there just wouldn't be room to have all the animals backgrouds mentioned so I was happy that this might be covered in future issues should it get a regular run. Its a fairly common story device.
    My main criticisim is that just as I was getting to like the characters and enjoy the story, it finished! And then I was left slightly confused. Was there an issue 2 coming out?
    Anyway it was a really fun story with great art. If there are anymore issues please don't go down the dark gritty route because I loved the tone.
  • RobAndersonRobAnderson Posts: 553
    @monkey010101 Thanks for the kind words and for letting us know what you thought!

    Yeah, "one-shot" really refers to publishing schedule -- it's a way to signal to all the retailers who are the first to order it (before it gets into the stores) that the next installment (if applicable) is not scheduled at this time. e.g., it's not an on-going. It's really a publishing term, distinct, from, say "done in one" or something like that. I did try to explain that in every interview I did and in all press stuff, but I know everyone doesn't see that, and I'm sorry for any confusion!

    The bottom line is we WANT to produce more, likely another one-shot. The reason for it not being scheduled is financial. We have to have the cash to produce the next issue of this creator-owned title first, and it takes quite a while to get money back from a published comic, etc., etc. We knew that was the case, so that's why we did one-shot, as much as it pained us.

    You're right, we did decide to start the story "in media res" as they say, and plan to fill in more via flashbacks and such. =) We did make it double-sized to try to give as much as we could in that first installment, though.

    Also, no worries, we're not planning to change the tone, either. Thanks again!

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