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Tony Daniel is leaving Detective
Tony announced the change of plans via Facebook. His writing reign ends w/ issue #12 & art ends w/ issue #0.

I'm doing the happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next comic prayers, anyone but Grant Morrison on Detective or Morrison back on Batman. Please no Liefield on Detective doing art.

If all goes well, I will likely add Detective w/ issue #13 fingers crossed.



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    Agree... I'm ready for something new in Detective.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    Batman (and the Legends of the Dark Knight Digital Firsts) are enough Batman for me right now, but if a creative team I like takes it on I will give it a try.
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    RadioWayneRadioWayne Posts: 22
    Are we going to get a resolution or a reveal of the Joker situation from the 1st issue?
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    I do really like Daniel's art. He's very good. And I do think his writing has potential. He could pull one awesome story out and he'll be accepted. He just hasn't done it yet.
    But, potential aside, I'm VERY MUCH looking forward to someone else writing Detective.
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    ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    I'd be cool with it taking on a revolving cast of writers/artists and really dig into detective type stories. I know it is a little less traditional but there are so many bat books and one doing its own thing would be great IMO. One shots, short runs, no tie-ins to the other books and just plain good Batman/Detective stories.
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    ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    edited June 2012
    Tony announced the change of plans via Facebook. His writing reign ends w/ issue #12 & art ends w/ issue #0.

    I'm doing the happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Next comic prayers, anyone but Grant Morrison on Detective or Morrison back on Batman. Please no Liefield on Detective doing art.

    If all goes well, I will likely add Detective w/ issue #13 fingers crossed.

    Yeah, in my opinion Daniel was given way too much leeway. I dipped into his stuff and some of it was kind of fun in its own way. For one thing, I'm not a superfan of his art, but he did try to switch up his style and expand his repertoire from time to time. More often than not, though, his overall work (writing and art) was mediocre at best, and usually quite bad and out-of-step with the times. It was weird in the first place when Mike Marts let him write Battle For The Cowl, which was... very, very sophomoric. And his writing only improved sporadically since then. I'm all for giving artists a chance to write, but it seems like Daniel repeatedly got handed high-profile assignments that he didn't really earn. It seems like he should have had a few 3-issue mini-series, at least at first. Instead they handed him BftC, an important assignment which he whiffed on imo, and then gave him Batman, and then--most unbelievably--Detective Comics #1. Kind of disconcerting. To Daniel's credit, I have heard anecdotal evidence that his '90s "edgy" style did bring in some new readers from the teenage male demographic, which seems to make sense.

    But, lastly, putting Morrison alongside Daniel and Liefeld? Dude, it just seems like you're looking for an excuse to diss Morrison or something. We get it, you don't like his work. But he already has Inc. to play with, so I doubt they'd put him on Detective--don't worry, you will be safe from the bald one whose writing unsettles you so.
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    mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited July 2012
    @Elsiebub I like Grant Morrison on Action Comics vol. 2 & All Star Superman just nothing Batman related. That is all, end of story. I'm sure that Tony Daniel is eager to work on other projects & other characters. Every reader of comics like this over that & art is subjective. After you have as many art friends in my life importance of art & writing is key to selling your protect to the masses.

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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    Tony announced the change of plans via Facebook. His writing reign ends w/ issue #12 & art ends w/ issue #0.

    I'm doing the happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Next comic prayers, anyone but Grant Morrison on Detective or Morrison back on Batman. Please no Liefield on Detective doing art.

    If all goes well, I will likely add Detective w/ issue #13 fingers crossed.

    I agree with you on everything.
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    bustybusty Posts: 104
    Liefield must have some compromising pictures of someone high up at DC,can't explain how else he's still getting work.
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    dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Liefield must have some compromising pictures of someone high up at DC,can't explain how else he's still getting work.
    It seems Liefeld still has lots of fans. I know I keep hearing that when he is at cons he has a huge line. I see him as the Ed Wood of comics.

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    KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    And apparently, Winnick is no longer doing Catwoman.

    Coincidence? I kinda hope not.
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    mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    edited July 2012
    And apparently, Winnick is no longer doing Catwoman.

    Coincidence? I kinda hope not.
    I like Winnick on Catwoman DD.

    Seriously though, if he is on Detective I would be welcome the idea.

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    luckymustardluckymustard Posts: 927
    posted on dc's blog... snyder is confirmed for being on batman still for issue #13 with the start of a new arc (go to the blog to find out what the arc involves... a certain character), so daniel (unless on art - but said he's not going to be doing the character batman for at least a year), nor winnick will be on the main title.
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    mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    Oh well, I will be waiting to see the announcement.

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    DesertHermitDesertHermit Posts: 80
    edited July 2012
    Liefield must have some compromising pictures of someone high up at DC,can't explain how else he's still getting work.
    I TOTALLY agree. I cannot understand why he gets work over guys like McGuiness, Keown, Josh Middleton, or Shane Davis. I could go on.
    The only explanation for how much work he's doing is he has some kind of hold over the powers that be.
    Dislike away, bit it's still undeniably true.
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    BlackUmbrellaBlackUmbrella Posts: 208
    edited July 2012
    John Layman and Jason Fabok? Loved Fabok's art on the Batman annual. I'm not exactly a Chew fan, having read one issue, but it seems like an interesting idea...
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    mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    I gave Chew 2 trades and it good but the subject matter was disturbing for my stomach. I will give Layman & Fabok a story arc or two starting at issue 13.

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    random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    i read the first Chew trade and liked it but not really enough to pick up the 2nd one. good not great.
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    ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    I only buy Chew in the Omnivore editions. I think they read really good that way even if it is a bit pricey for what I think is only an above-average book. The art and humor is great and I do really enjoy it but I also am left a bit empty when I'm done. It is a solid B+ book to me and fun and I'm OK with that. I don't plan on buying into the spin-offs like the Pollo comic and whatever other off-shoots they put out.

    This has me interested and I'll definitely read the first one to see how it comes together.
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    SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    Liefield must have some compromising pictures of someone high up at DC,can't explain how else he's still getting work.
    Bob Harris brought him back at Marvel a bunch of times as well (and handed Captain America and the Avengers over to him for a year as well). Harris is a BIG fan of the 90's comics approach to things.

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    Lie field is good at something. Not comics. Something more, shall we say, below the belt? He prolly draws in this
    Position as well.
    It explains much
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    SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    Lie field is good at something. Not comics. Something more, shall we say, below the belt? He prolly draws in this
    Position as well.
    It explains much
    I'm going to defend Rob.

    Scary, I know.

    For all of us that don't care for his work, he DOES generate a lot of excitement with people who don't post on message boards. His art is VERY high energy, and appeals to a specific audience who don't care about things other than the "oh wow" factor.

    He also had a LOT of appeal to teenagers when he was at his peak because THEY could draw like that! It was about costumes and guns and fights and muscles, not storytelling. Do I think he's terrible? No, I just don't care for his stuff, and I'll jump on the dogpile like everyone else, but to some people, He Is Their Favorite Artist. When I worked it comics retail, life proved again and again that EVERY comic, artist, writer and character is someone's favorite, and if they get joy out of reading it, good for them!

    Remember, in the 60's, the editors at DC said Marvel's secret was bad art, and they constantly used Kirby as an example of how NOT to draw comics.

    Am I saying Liefeld is like Kirby? No. I'm saying that just because I don't like him doesn't mean that everyone dislikes him. If you like him, GREAT, buy his work and enjoy it. I don't like the Kardashians's TV shows, but I'm not wasting a lot of energy demanding they be removed from TV and banished to the moon either.

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    BrianBaerBrianBaer Posts: 80
    Lie field is good at something. Not comics. Something more, shall we say, below the belt? He prolly draws in this
    Position as well.
    It explains much
    I'm going to defend Rob.

    Scary, I know.

    For all of us that don't care for his work, he DOES generate a lot of excitement with people who don't post on message boards. His art is VERY high energy, and appeals to a specific audience who don't care about things other than the "oh wow" factor.

    I know what you mean. I don't understand how a lot of things are popular, but they must be to keep happening. Besides, I doubt I'd read The Savage Hawkman no matter who was on it. It doesn't really affect me, so live and let die.
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