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Let's hear it for Reading Marathons!

I just spent 2-3 weeks reading The Walking Dead issues #1-99 and loved every minute of it! Issue #100, here I come! Man, I had always heard that "nobody is safe" in this title, but now I REALLY believe it! But, I'm not trying to start (yet another) Walking Dead thread (I'm such a poet!), I'm just asking you to tell us about any Reading Marathons that you've enjoyed recently. Let's hear it!


  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    How many issues/volumes does it take to be considered a marathon?

    Does a marathon have to be limited to a specific title are can it be various titles of a specific creator?

    Does the amount of time spent reading matter?
  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    edited July 2012
    I've read comics for 4 hours straight today 8-}
  • ctowner1ctowner1 Posts: 481
    I love reading marathons. In the past few years, I've done:

    100 Bullets, all 100 issues

    Ex Machina, all 60 issues

    Strangers in Paradise, complete series (around 120 or so issues?)

    Been trying to gear up for a Love & Rockets marathon for a few years now - I have the original series in 15 TPBs.

    L nny
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    2011 was the Year of Dresden. I read all 13 Dresden Files novels over the course of the year. Does that count?
  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    2011 was the Year of Dresden. I read all 13 Dresden Files novels over the course of the year. Does that count?
    that's even more of a feat since you had to draw your own pics in your brain :D
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    2011 was the Year of Dresden. I read all 13 Dresden Files novels over the course of the year. Does that count?
    that's even more of a feat since you had to draw your own pics in your brain :D
    it was a lot of stick figures.
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    I had been on medicine that kept me up for like 2 1/2 weeks straight (not meth ;) ) so with all the extra time in the evenings I would read through my massive backlog of trades and single issues. I read 25 trades, a full short box, and 6 novels.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    This year might be the year of Repairman Jack.
  • TheMarvelManTheMarvelMan Posts: 159
    Ex Machina, all 60 issues
    This just might be my next marathon. That or Y - The Last Man. I can't decide!
  • ZhurrieZhurrie Posts: 617
    Currently I'm doing the Hellboy Library Ed. HCs and then on to Y in the deluxe HCs.
  • warpangelwarpangel Posts: 62
    I love a good reading marathon, usually I tend to stack my monthlies up so I can blast a few issues at once. saves me having to remember every single storyline going on.
    as well as my usual reading, I currently have on my 'marathon' list the following:

    Stormwatch (the old Warren Ellis issues)
    Hero Squared
    Books of Magic
    Welcome to Tranquility
    The Boys.
  • Now that I have a kid Reading Marathons are a thing of the past! I'm lucky to get a single tpb read over any weekend! ;)
  • kfreemankfreeman Posts: 314
    I read the entire run of Usagi Yojimbo (now 26 hardcovers) about once a year. And I read the 10 volumes of Yotsuba multiple times a year. Y the Last Man as well. I never get tired of those three.
  • Now that DMZ has finished I'm about to read the entire thing again in one sitting... or, at least, a number of sittings. I plan to start a review on it. Just got to avoid some other distractions at the moment.
  • 2011 was the Year of Dresden. I read all 13 Dresden Files novels over the course of the year. Does that count?
    I just finished the same thing last week, and started the Codex books. Finished the first one tonight. The joys of underemployment!
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    I read the first codex book right after as well. I thought the same thing I thought about the first Dresden book..."eh that was okay I'd give it a 3 out of 5." Then I read Dreaden book two and it got a little better and each successive book just kept sucking me on deeper. I don't know if Codex will have the same affect but I'll probably give the rest a crack here in the future, after I finish the Lumley stuff.
  • supermattsupermatt Posts: 6
    I've been reading Marvel... from the very beginning (well, from Fantastic Four #1, and only the super-hero stuff). In the middle of 1969 right now. There's some good stuff there: the first appearances of the Flacon, Grandmaster, Squadron Sinister, and some bad stuff: (Captain Marvel pre-Thomas is kind of hard to get through).
  • BetaRayBenBetaRayBen Posts: 50
    I'm two issues from finishing the third Essential Amazing Spider-Man. This is pretty rewarding, as the storytelling gets better as you go (IMO). I've been steadily working my way through, planning on stopping after the Michelinie/McFarlane stuff (which is about when I stopped collecting the first time). Call it an ultra-marathon.

    I'm also working through the Fourth World Omnibi. Highly recommended for any DC fan or for anyone who wants to see why Kirby is so revered.
  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    Just started The Long Earth by Sir Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter
  • peedmyselfpeedmyself Posts: 105
    Over the last 10 or so months the stuff I've read as a block are: the IDW GI Joe titles, Planet Hulk, Morrison's Doom Patrol (and some of the 60s stuff), Sandman, Essex County, The Walking Dead, and Locke & Key. I'm currently reading Lone Wolf & Cub (on trade 10) and Preacher (on issue 34). I was out of comics for a long time, so I've been hitting up some the classics in my boxes while discovering some newer stuff. It'll be a while before I get through all the recommended stuff that sounds interesting.
  • Currently rereading JSA... Starting with The Return of... and most of the way through V2... forgot how good it was.
  • TheMarvelManTheMarvelMan Posts: 159
    I've been reading Marvel... from the very beginning (well, from Fantastic Four #1, and only the super-hero stuff). In the middle of 1969 right now.
    I'm doing the same thing! Although I'm only up to the spring of 1964, with the first appearance of the Black Widow in Tales of Suspense. I have such a soft spot for Silver-Age sensibilities! Are you reading the issues chronologically? I'm using a mostly chronological order suggested by this web site:

    Complete Marvel Reading Order
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    Last summer when visiting my uncle in the Missouri Ozarks I finished the first volume of Essentials for Avengers, FF, Cap, Thor, Iron Man and the first three trades of Locke & Key. Reading was all I had to help keep my sanity.
  • supermattsupermatt Posts: 6
    edited July 2012
    I've been reading Marvel... from the very beginning (well, from Fantastic Four #1, and only the super-hero stuff). In the middle of 1969 right now.
    I'm doing the same thing! Although I'm only up to the spring of 1964, with the first appearance of the Black Widow in Tales of Suspense. I have such a soft spot for Silver-Age sensibilities! Are you reading the issues chronologically? I'm using a mostly chronological order suggested by this web site:

    Complete Marvel Reading Order
    Sometimes I go chronologically, but sometimes I just feel like reading Spider-Man, or the Avengers or whatever, but I never get more than a year ahead in one particular title. Your in for some awesome stuff though, 1964 is (imo) when books such as FF and Spidey begin to hit there stride, and 1965-6 is when things start to really take off.

    Some of that early stuff though, such as Human Torch in Strange Tales and a lot of the Iron Man stuff (some of its good) was a real drag to get through, at least for me.
  • edited July 2012
    2011 was the Year of Dresden. I read all 13 Dresden Files novels over the course of the year. Does that count?
    Check out the Novel Thread. I am embarking on the same quest for 2012. Just finished 6th book and starting 7th book at the moment. Should have that completed in the next few days.
  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Read Jeff Smith's Monster society of evil,Ranma Volume 1,Some simpsons trade and the trade of the first 7 issues of JLA by Meltzer.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Read Jeff Smith's Monster society of evil,Ranma Volume 1,Some simpsons trade and the trade of the first 7 issues of JLA by Meltzer.
    I know not everybody liked Meltzer's run but I loved it! Id have read 100 issues of that stuff.
  • ctowner1ctowner1 Posts: 481
    Ex Machina, all 60 issues
    This just might be my next marathon. That or Y - The Last Man. I can't decide!
    I've been wanting to do a Y marathon, too. Also Preacher.

    L nny

  • dubbat138dubbat138 Posts: 3,200
    Read Jeff Smith's Monster society of evil,Ranma Volume 1,Some simpsons trade and the trade of the first 7 issues of JLA by Meltzer.
    I know not everybody liked Meltzer's run but I loved it! Id have read 100 issues of that stuff.

    JLA 1-7 read ok as a trade,but felt like reading it monthly would have been a massive bore. I doubt I ever buy it,but since the library had it I gave it a shot.
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    i loved it but then i am one of those guys that thinks slow decompression of story is a good thing.
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