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Episode 1265 Talkback: Off the Racks

PantsPants Posts: 567
edited August 2012 in CGS Episodes & Spin-Offs
In this episode we give our Buy/Borrow/Pants reviews of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #1 from DC, Captain Marvel #1 from Marvel and Revival #1 from Image and have some brief discussions on Daredevil, Fantastic Four and Batman: Earth One. (1:04:34)

Listen here.


  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    Jamie D. you can bring back the MEGA BUY!!! if you really really like something or on rare occasions to the other geeks you can use MEGA BURN if something really is awful. As for Captain Marvel from Marvel just isn't the REAL Captain Marvel no matter what anyone says. I think the AR things are today's version of editors notes not that I am going to buy a device to read them on just give me the freaking comic. Daredevil & Fantastic 4 are the Marvel gems that are of a rare breed -- great writing w/ art to back it up. I plan on getting Batman Earth One OGN in October for my birthday so I appreciate your thoughts on it.

  • JCBJCB Posts: 51
    Revival #1 is the creepiest issue I've read since reading Locke & Key #1. Grandma pulls no strings. I will definitely be buying it for as long as it stays rad.

    I tried Masters of the Universe, and it just didn't do it for me. Maybe I was born too late (1989 represent), but with how much I loathe Phillip Tan (are we forgiving him for Batman & Robin yet? I'm not) and Robinson leaving, I can't imagine reading more. Pants'd.

    I won't even bother with Captain Marvel. Flipped through the first few pages at the shop and art turned me off faster than Tim Curry in drag.

    Also, Batman: Earth One made me anti-Geoff Johns for the rest of my life. It was a steaming pile, which had sooooo much potential. Gary Frank draws perdy, but he doesn't draw Batman.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    I haven't read Rivival..I know I know...

    Masters of the Universe..loved it. He-Man was the toy obsession of my youth and it would have to be a lot worse than this for me not to enjoy the comic.

    Captain Marvel was a big disappointment. I was hoping for something a little more cosmic but ended up with a boring story and lousy art.
  • BonesBones Posts: 4
    I agree with Pants the the story in Captain Marvel was pretty good. I like the character of Carol Danvers - yet she is way hotter in the old uniform. The art is not great - but I'm going to keep reading it for awhile.
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    Masters of the Universe - I tried not to get my hopes to high for this so that if it sucked I wouldn't be too disappointed. I didn't and I was still disappointed. The art was okay, but the writing and the story didn't flow well. It was just about a book full of caption boxes of Adam thinking/talking to himself. Not fun to read. I got the Total Recall vibe as well. I hope it gets better and I'm looking forward to the upcoming Origin of Skeletor. I'm the opposite of Shane, I liked the toys, wasn't a big fan of the cartoon. The voices never seemed right for the characters they were used for. This is a pants unless you're a MotU fan, then borrow it.

    Captain Marvel #1 - Wow, I have heard nothing but bad things about this for various reasons. I wasn't going to bother with this one at all. Shortly after Marvel announced this book I heard an interview with Kelly Sue, can't remember where, it wasn't something that I normally listen to but she came off as a very angry, spiteful man hating woman. Maybe she was just having a bad day or something, I don't know.

    Anyways, I glanced through it at the LCS and I really liked the art. The art alone made it a buy for me. The writing went downhill after the fight with the Absorbing Man. the scenes in Avengers Mansion, we get an example how continuity can mess with a reader that has been away from Marvel, or even people that are new readers but that have some knowledge of a specific characters and that is having Spidey running around with his mask off. This is something that I have read and heard from people as a reason why the book was disliked or not bought. The transitions from the fight to Avengers Mansion to her deciding to take the name and so on, did not transition well from scene to scene and that carried over into issue #2.

    I assumed that this took place post AvX, but I didn't feel like the "when" was an issue. I also had no problems with Captain America being in the story. Carol and Steve are teammates, I didn't need an explanation or a purpose why he was there. He was the one nudging Carol to take the mantle of Captain Marvel though.

    I was reading Captain Marvel #2 while listening to this episode. I still love the art, the writing is still jumpy and that needs to improve quick. Buyrrow.

    Revival #1 - Comics like this, even movies, television show and novels like this were never my cup o' tea. There was a time that I would never ever give this a try, no matter who the creative was. Thanks to this fine, outstanding community and a wife that loves this type of story, I have broadened my horizons. All I will say is, buy this book!
  • LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    I've really enjoyed Captain Marvel so far. Dexter Soy's artwork takes a little getting used to, and it sure doesn't feel "traditionally" Marvel, but it's growing on me. I worry that the fact that it is so different from usual Marvel output will hobble this book out of the gate and people won't give it a fair shot. But storywise, I have no complaints whatsoever. Kelly Sue DeConnick's pre-release interviews actually got me really jazzed for the book since her excitement was always so evident, and I really like the voice she's giving Carol, as well as her camaraderie with Captain America and Spidey (loved Army vs. Air Force banter between her and Steve, for instance). And the fact that she's tying in real-life history like the Mercury 13 is fascinating... what an amazing group of women, more people need to know about them. I have the book Kelly Sue mentioned in the AR content, and what I've read of it so far is fantastic. To each their own, I suppose, but everyone's comments made me wonder if I just read a different book than them.

    He-Man, on the other hand... yeah, that was bad. And I speak as someone who was a big He-Man fan as a kid. Maybe if you call the book He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, you put He-Man and the Masters of the Universe in the first issue? I'm just sayin'.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    He-Man was nice because it was something different than monster attacks, Adam disappears, He-Man saves the day. I'm really interested in why this is happening to Adam. Great start IMHO.
  • KrescanKrescan Posts: 623
    I liked Captain Marvel enough, the story was pretty good. I don't understand the mask at all (this may be from Avenging Spider-Man I don't remember which one) but she goes into space and the mask comes on but the bask doesn't cover her eyes or mouth? I just don't see the point since otherwise there's not a mask.
  • I read and loved Revival. I am trying to convince my wife to give it a try, she's not a comic person. But it is so interesting I am hoping it will catch her fancy.
  • alienalalienal Posts: 508
    Didn't read Masters of the Universe or Revival, however you guys' review of Revival made me order #4, so I guess I'll have to go online to look for #1-#3. Captain Marvel? When I first flipped through it I didn't like the artwork, but when I actually sat down and read the story I felt the artwork went well with it. Interestedly, I showed it to my Japanese friends here and they loved the artwork! Hmm...anyway, I ordered up to number 4, but dropped it when they solicited it as being double-shipped (#5 and #6) in this month's Previews.
    I really liked Pants enthusiasm toward Daredevil and I love it too, but as Jamie said, it's 2.99 so if they double-ship it, it's not so bad, but that IS the reason I quit FF because with both FF and Fantastic Four they were basically double-shipping (still at $2.99) but the FF title was mostly about the kids and the art itself got really cartoony. I quit them both because it felt like you needed to read one to get the full story in the other.
    DRUNK CAP!!: Yayy! " Did you use up all your cherry bombs, Jamie?" Hahaha...
    "Well, I didn't ask you about your day because it's supposed to be a secret. She's a Secret Avenger, you know!" Classic!
  • I bought Revival #1 on the strength of this episode. Haven't read it yet though. Very disappointed about He-Man as I'm a huge fan. I appreciate the more serious tone but He-Man for me was always ever so slightly silly.
  • sandmansandman Posts: 201
    I liked the first issue of He-Man. I don't think that you need to know the characters or be a fan of the show to read this issue and know that something is wrong. It has me intrigued and I want to see what happens next.
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