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Batman '66 - Digital

On Comixology today, the first issue was released. It's taking a long time to download right now on my Kindle Fire. Seems to be because it's a special type of digital version... "guided view".


  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    Yeah. I got it. It's like Marvel's Infinity comics that are more motion comic/cinematic in their delivery. I really like it as a special digital way of telling a story. I got almost halfway through the story and its 1966 fun!
  • luckymustardluckymustard Posts: 927
    Thanks Fred! I'm looking at it now. Word balloons appear as I swipe.
  • luckymustardluckymustard Posts: 927
    #batman66 is trending on twitter.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    edited July 2013
    Finished it a little bit ago. Dang that was fun. However, the overlayed line work did hurt my eyes a little. It made it feel blurry. However, I loved the colors and how they changed when you "turned" the page.

    To everyone reading: sure you may have ordered the floppy, but you would do yourself a favor by purchasing this $0.99 digital comic and give it a try! This includes you too @Pants.
  • luckymustardluckymustard Posts: 927
    I think I did put this on my pull list at my lcs, but today I effectively took it off.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    edited July 2013
    I was reading this article on Bleeding Cool and with the posted pictures, it reminded me of something I didn't feel was right in the comic. Nit-picky, sure, but c'mon, common sense...

    The SFX comes in after the dialogue. Really? I liked the SFX, and I think it's almost its own character in the show, but the sequential aspect of this medium tells me that the HRNCHH should come before Batman speaks. Again, this happened more than once, but I just loved the whole thing I didn't care too much. What do you think?

    Edit: someone over at iFanboy said that the SFX comes before the action in the TV show. That may be so, but here in the comic it comes after the dialogue and action. I think that's weird...

  • ajcasperiteajcasperite Posts: 221
    Agreed. The effects were off just a bit, but a fun little read. It could have been longer but fun nonetheless. Will continue reading. :-B
  • kgforcekgforce Posts: 326
    Pretty good... my only complaint is the blue outlines offset from the main black outlines. It got on my nerves as it made some scenes seem too messy or confusing. Hoping they tone that down a bit.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    edited July 2013
    Issue #2 is here! Read it yet? What'd you think?
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    edited July 2013
    Anyone catch the digital issue #4? Fun read, but I have to admit I was a little, actually, I was really disappointed when I saw that issue 4 doesn't continue the previous three issues' Guided View feature. It's a straight up 23 page digital book. The artist is also different, but I suppose you should expect that with a weekly book. I will more than likely still get the book as it was/is still a fun read, but I thought having the Guided View gave it an edge over the floppies.
  • NickNick Posts: 284
    I guess I didn't realize it, but it's a weekely book? So there will be 23 pages every week? That is nuts!
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    Yes and no. As with all of the digital first DC books, they're not really the full pages you would expect to see in a regular floppy. Each digital page is really just one panel; however, often times the full panel may be broken down into smaller panels. Anyway, DC then collects about three digital issues and publishes one physical copy that works out to about a 23 page floppy. So technically you end up paying $2.97 for a full 23 page, full-color, digital book. The thing with the first three Batman '66 digital issues was that they featured the Guided View feature. Personally, I think that this format makes it even more worth it, and so my disappointment with issue #4. But any way you look at it, these stories are still fun!
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