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Murd's Time Bubble Talkback: The Twenty-First Time

The Time Bubble bobs back, putting an end to the lengthiest-ever lacuna in its already infamously irregular production schedule! This Time, Murd muses about the beginning of J. Michael Straczynski's Amazing Spider-Man run; the return of Hawkman in JSA; Citizen V and the V-Battalion; and a bubbly bevy of Quick Pop mini-reviews! (2:13:27)

Listen here.


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    i_am_scifii_am_scifi Posts: 784
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    ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    edited March 2014
    Great to see this in the feed! Even better to hear that the next episode will be coming along sooner rather than later!

    A local hobby shop in my area has recently been putting out $1 boxes of comics, mostly from the late-'90s/early-'00s, and every time I look through them I think about being pleasantly lost in the same time stream associated with Murd's Time Bubble.

    -I enjoyed the episode even though I'm only familiar with one of the comics mentioned: JMS's first issue of Spider-Man. I bought the trade a few years ago after seeing it for something like 80% off. It was... okay, but I completely agree with your criticisms.

    -You've addressed your time-displaced reading practices many times before, but I'm wondered/worried that when it comes to series like Planetary or Morrison's New X-Men you might be doing yourself a disservice by waiting so long between issues. Have you ever felt that you're missing certain aesthetic connections that are only artfully hinted at, rather than pointed out explicitly (as in earlier, more exposition-filled comics)? I can understand how, for most comics written up through the early 2000s, it isn't a problem to wait months between issues. But for series that were very much conceived of as aesthetic tour-de-forces (or "written for the trade", in less pretentious terminology) I think you could be doing yourself a disservice to wait so long between issues. Do you realize that, by the time you get to the end of Planetary, at your reading pace, you'll probably be waiting 4 or 5 years between issues?

    Regardless, Adam, I really enjoy these Time Bubble episodes (even more than Crisis Tapes), and will be happily anticipating the next one...

    ...But don't think your faithful listeners aren't a bit perturbed by the continued absence of promised-cohost, and instant fan-favorite, Tammy the Cat. >:-( In your long absence, I hope she didn't get an offer from a rival podcast. I also hope her disappearance doesn't mean that she has gotten lost in the time stream.
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    i_am_scifii_am_scifi Posts: 784
    edited March 2014
    Mr. @Adam_Murdough‌, your timing on the release of this episode could not have been more perfect. For now...MORLUN RETURNS!!! And written by Dan Slott, even!
    It’s called Spider-Verse.

    And it features every incarnation of Spider-Man ever. From 1602′s Peter Parquagh to 2099′s Miguel O’Hara, all teaming up to fight Morlun, returning to kill anyone with a spider on their chest.

    Yup, Morlun, of JMS infamy.
    See, even when you're late, you're on time! :D
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    Thor_ElThor_El Posts: 136
    I'm always glad when Thunderbolts gets mentioned by you folks on either the show proper or here in your own corner of the CGS Universe. It's such a good series, and one of my favorites, but it keeps slipping into the back of my mind until it gets brought up again. I really need to dig the issues out (I am sadly lacking in trades of this series) and begin re-reading them. And I eagerly anticipate the eventual Spotlight episodes. :)
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    i_am_scifii_am_scifi Posts: 784
    I am flattered you broke the rules to cover "Super Dinosaur." This NYCC I'll be sure to find you a juicy back issue that falls within your current year of reading!
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967

    The Time Bubble bobs back, putting an end to the lengthiest-ever lacuna in its already infamously irregular production schedule! This Time, Murd muses about the beginning of J. Michael Straczynski's Amazing Spider-Man run; the return of Hawkman in JSA; Citizen V and the V-Battalion; and a bubbly bevy of Quick Pop mini-reviews!

    Excellent news! Planning to pull up a chair beside my longbox and enjoy some excellent reviews of not so recent books I've probably read a decade or so ago...

    And much thanks for continuing this series @Adam_Murdough! I find it very enjoyable.

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    Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    @Adam_Murdough‌ feel free to digress about The Venture Bros anytime! And hey, at least your Time Bubble episodes come out a lot more often than new seasons of VB.
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    I've yet to listen to a "Time Bubble" episode ... mostly because I'm afraid of the impact on the space/time continuum.
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    It is dangerous every time I listen to a Time Bubble episode. My to be read pile gets bigger and bigger. I've already ordered both Citizen V mini series from and next Sunday at a local comic show I will be in search of early Thunderbolt issues. Thanks for doing these episodes Adam, they are a lot of fun and are very informative.
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    BionicDaveBionicDave Posts: 377

    I can't tell you, Adam, how much I love listening to these episodes - especially when you cover comics which I've read - and especially-er when you confirm my own longheld opinions of them, lol. Your analyses of JMS' Spidey and the "Return of Hawkman" issues of JSA are exemplary of that. Just makes me feel like my comics reading compass is indeed pointing to a magnetic north.

    But make no mistake, I am also entertained when the TIME Bubble visits a comic which is entirely new to me… and TB21 did not fail to disappoint. Citizen V?? I'd never heard of this one! (Or his battalion) Sounds kooky and interesting, though; perhaps I'll indulge should I ever happen to stumble across an issue.

    And while I am glad to hear that we won't have to wait so long for The Twenty-Second TIME, I am appreciative enough of your efforts on the regular CGS podcast plus the Crisis Tapes (woohoo!) to understand why so much TIME may pass between Bubble landings. You just do what you need to do… and don't forget to enjoy life outside the podcast studio. TEMPUS fugit :) But thanks again, anyway. Your voice/views/personality rate highest among the vast number of podcasts which now occupy my iPhone.
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    jmpenickjmpenick Posts: 10
    sweet mary of mother of murd! he's back! make mine murd!
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    sandmansandman Posts: 201

    As I kid I liked watching reruns of Lost in Space, and I never new that the show had a connection to comic books. Thanks for the little piece of history.

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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I've arrived back from the future and I've seen that the 22nd time is right. about. now...

    Enjoying it now.
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    BionicDaveBionicDave Posts: 377

    I've arrived back from the future and I've seen that the 22nd time is right. about. now...

    Enjoying it now.

    I, too, have enjoyed it… but am having trouble accessing the discussion thread for it. I will await rectification.
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