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Ever since Deadly Genesis Cyclops has been getting a darker, more focused character and you could say that his relationship with Emma Frost could almost reflect that.

Im just wondering if any of you think we'll ever get the old Cyclops back? Despite the change arguably making him more interesting I do miss the old more likable Cyclops (partly because I miss the old style X-men, not a big fan of them almost being an army at this point).

I think its because I just read the X-Men Season One graphic novel and they did a good job of writing the Scott/Jean relationship but when she inevitably returns again im wondering if it will be her that pulls Scott back from the person he has become.

Just some random thoughts really, be interested to hear everyone elses opinions.


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    HexHex Posts: 944

    Im just wondering if any of you think we'll ever get the old Cyclops back? Despite the change arguably making him more interesting I do miss the old more likable Cyclops
    Has there EVER been a "more likeable Cyclops"?
    I have never liked Scott Summers. He is the wet blanket of the Marvel Universe.
    And as much as I hate him with Emma Frost (*slut*), he definitely never deserved the ultimate hotness of Jean Grey.
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    jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    I would agree that I like Cyclops. From the beginning I always saw him as the idealistic first student of Professor Xavier. When it came to ideals, I saw him and Captain America being quite similar for a long time. Cyclops was fighting for Mutant acceptance and defending the human race against Mutants that would harm them. He's changed over the years to the point where he seems more in line to what Magneto represented than Professor Xavier. I understand why people didn't like Cyclops but I always found him to be interesting enough.
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    @Happenstance, @Hex: I was always a big Cyclops fan. To me he is THE X-Man. Despite being cursed with a barely-controllable destructive force inside his face, he was a stand-up guy and a real hero and leader. I'm not fond of the direction he's gone since hooking up with Emma, and would love to see Jean show up and undo the years of subtle brainwashing the White Queen has been working upon him.
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    GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    edited May 2012
    I don't know what it is but I have never been able to like Cyclops. No matter how he is being portrayed I just can't stand the character.

    My best friend from 4th grade on through high school absolutley loves Cyclops, the character could do no wrong no matter what. I miss the days, when he would be going off on the latest issue of X-Men or X-Factor and I would chime in by saying that Cyclops was a bed-wetter just to get him riled up, and then top it by apologizing, saying that it was an insult to bed-wetters comparing them to Cyclops.

    No disrespect or offense intended.
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    BrianBaerBrianBaer Posts: 80
    I like the idea of these long-lived character developing. And if we don't like what they develop into, we can always hire Mark Waid to make them fun again.
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    WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    edited May 2012
    I miss the old "Cyke"

    He has become a bigger jerk then Professor X ever was, if he gets any worse he might as well shave his head and buy a wheelchair.

    Hopefully after AvsX he will realize how bad he has gotten and mend his ways...but I am not holding my breath.

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    Amalgam_ManAmalgam_Man Posts: 53
    I have to admit that I have never been able to like Scott. That doesn't mean I think he a character that is useless. One of the biggest thIngs to look at is there is alway a need to fill the spots of suck up, prude, anal retentive leader, whiney woe is me type. That doesn't go to say that he doesn't have heroic qualities that goes along with other X-men, but the reason he gets put in a bad light is because he is the one that has to. He is the leader. If he wasn't there, they wouldn't have the guy to dump on, which would effect the story.

    Even Nick Fury isn't fully loved. someone has to be the fall guy.
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    BadDeaconBadDeacon Posts: 120
    I was never too much of a Cyclops fan. I started reading X-Men when he was off in X-Factor, which I didn't read at the time. I never got too attached to him.

    I did always like the way his relationship with Jean played out though.

    I always took it that the new, unlikeable Cyclops was a result of his abduction by Apocalypse, back just before Morrison's New X-Men, and that caused his steady decline to the unlikeable hardass we've got now. So, at least that is interesting.
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    I always took it that the new, unlikeable Cyclops was a result of his abduction by Apocalypse, back just before Morrison's New X-Men, and that caused his steady decline to the unlikeable hardass we've got now. So, at least that is interesting.
    I forgot about the Apocalypse thing and that was definitely the source of the change, I think.
    I would agree that I like Cyclops. From the beginning I always saw him as the idealistic first student of Professor Xavier. When it came to ideals, I saw him and Captain America being quite similar for a long time. Cyclops was fighting for Mutant acceptance and defending the human race against Mutants that would harm them. He's changed over the years to the point where he seems more in line to what Magneto represented than Professor Xavier. I understand why people didn't like Cyclops but I always found him to be interesting enough.
    Cyclops has changed but it seems more like a natural progression instead of a sudden change, and that is probably a better way of evolving the character. I have watched him slowly change over a long time and it hasn't seemed sudden or forces. There have been some things that he did that show this changing attitude and the one I remember is from an early issue in Morrison's run on X-Men where Cyclops performs a mercy killing. I would have expected Cyclops to try and keep the guy alive in order to save his life or even let Wolverine, who was the only other X-Man with him, do it. That is probably where I remembering starting the change. I know it shocked me at the time but I find it an interesting progression.

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    fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    Loved the "old" Scott Summers. He really seemed like a hero and a model for kids. I stopped reading all the X-books about the time Cyke and the White Queen started shacking up. I didn't like the direction the characters where going and thus didn't like the direction of the books. I don't think saying he's been brainwashed would even get me back at this point. I'm not in favor of the staus quo, but the changes they made to Scott was too much.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012
    I feel like the Cyclops we've been getting lately is not really that different from the Cyclops we got from the very beginning of X-Factor. Or even, really, from back when he and Storm were contesting for leadership of the Uncanny X-Men. Sure, there are more stories built around his intensity and the weight of leadership now, especially as the stakes are higher as mutants are now nearly extinct. But, to me, he feels mostly like the same guy. I guess he crossed a line in the sand by creating a secret X-Force team a few years ago, and perhaps for some readers that was a bridge too far, and I get that. But that felt like an organic progression for me, and did not feel THAT much different then some of the extreme measures for mutantkind he was taking even back in the early days of X-Factor. I do get that, post-Deadly Genesis, more comment has been made about Cyclops' extreme view, but I feel like he hasn't been happy go lucky or smiley for a LONG time.

    So, to me, for the "old" Cyclops, we'd have to go back to, I don't know, 1980?

    Also, mark me down as another person who is a fan of Cyclops as a character. I was never one to find him weak or whiny.
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    MikeGallagherMikeGallagher Posts: 547
    I have always loved cyclops. He has been one of my favorite characters since '83.
    He has grown as a character. He has had good times and bad times as only mighty marvel can deliver.
    And for me Scott summers personifies what the x-men are.
    He has been there since day one. Xavier made him a leader even though he didn't want it.
    His one true love has died how many times?
    He went from lonely awkward nerd to Whiney leader to leading his own team to being the one person in all the world that protects all mutants.
    Arguably he has suffered more than daredevil.
    How many timelines does Scott have to keep track of to try to understand his kids?
    How many lookalike wives/girlfriends has he had betray him?
    And all that time he had to spend with Xavier. That would make anyone miserable.

    So he has earned the massive chip on his shoulder. And he is now on par with most of the big hitter tacticians in the 616. He earned everything he has.
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    GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    @MikeGallagher - "How many lookalike wives/girlfriends has he had betray him?"

    I would love to see Madelyne come back as Goblin Queen and bring about some havoc.
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    @MikeGallagher - "How many lookalike wives/girlfriends has he had betray him?"

    I would love to see Madelyne come back as Goblin Queen and bring about some havoc.
    Ahh, now we see @Greg 's desire for underboob... and we all share it.

    Speaking of Madelyne, one thing I've always had a problem with is Cyclops' relationship with his children. I mean, Cable is his actual child (with Madelyne) but I never see a real relationship between the two nor do I see Scott trying. I can understand him not having a connection to Rachel (who is his child from an alternate future) and Nate (who is an alternate reality version of Cable) but I still would like to see some connection.
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    MikeGallagherMikeGallagher Posts: 547
    some havoc.
    Ahh, now we see @Greg 's desire for underboob... and we all share it.

    Speaking of Madelyne, one thing I've always had a problem with is Cyclops' relationship with his children. I mean, Cable is his actual child (with Madelyne) but I never see a real relationship between the two nor do I see Scott trying. I can understand him not having a connection to Rachel (who is his child from an alternate future) and Nate (who is an alternate reality version of Cable) but I still would like to see some connection.

    There is nothing wrong with underboob.

    I always felt that was more Cable's decision not to be close than Scott's. They have had moments but Nate shies away or plays pompous.
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    I always felt that was more Cable's decision not to be close than Scott's. They have had moments but Nate shies away or plays pompous.
    Still, I would have though Scott's personality would have tried to find a connection, especially since he was separated from his own father so early and he looked to Prof X as his replacement. It would be an interesting story to see Rachel's point of view on Cyclops and see if she has any father issues.

    Do you think if Jean came back Scott would go be with her again? It just seems that his relationship with Emma is rather stale at the moment.
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    KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    I was never really a big fan of Scott. I liked Alex better. The whole abandoning his wife and newborn son made it hard for me to like him even if it did make for some good stories (granted, it's not everyday the love of your life comes back from the dead... unless of course the love of your life is Jean Grey, then it's every other day, but there's still other ways to handle it than leaving your son). And then some point in the late 80s/early 90s, he just became boring. Then he shacked up with Emma which I hated. And the things he did after that made me dislike him more, but then something clicked when I realized he's not boring anymore. He's actually become a quite interesting character. And then I looked at it more and realized I actually started seeing where he was coming from in a lot of his harder decisions. Even when I didn't always agree with them, I sympathized with him. And at some point without me realizing it, I've grown to like Cyclops.

    So count me as someone who likes the new Cyclops much better than the old Cyclops. Keep in mind that while I've read a ton of back issues, I started reading X-Men at the point where Scott began his slow descent into boringness, so that might influence my opinion of the old Scott as boring. But I just find him so much more interesting than he's been in years, if not ever.

    We can undo lion Beast though. I still don't like that.
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    MikeGallagherMikeGallagher Posts: 547

    Still, I would have though Scott's personality would have tried to find a connection, especially since he was separated from his own father so early and he looked to Prof X as his replacement. It would be an interesting story to see Rachel's point of view on Cyclops and see if she has any father issues.

    Do you think if Jean came back Scott would go be with her again? It just seems that his relationship with Emma is rather stale at the moment.
    that's a tough one. I want to say he would stick with Emma as he has a solid relationship with her. But all the inferred hanky panky she is open too leaves the relationship ready to be broken.
    Jean comes back. Scott kisses her and they feel weird. He confesses to Emma who already felt betrayed psychically. She has a revenge fling with namor. And tony. And Alex. And broo. And kitty. And jean. Then she is a bad guy again, turns magneto bad again, takes half the mutants, takes over San Fran and next year's x-crossover battle is set. Scott fights along jean, they marry again and more future babies appear and lead the counter attack against Emma's evil mutants. Xavier comes back at the end and finally unifies all the mutants only to be killed. Then it is revealed that chuck has been a dire wraith for twenty-five years.
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    KyleMoyerKyleMoyer Posts: 727
    She has a revenge fling with namor. And tony. And Alex. And broo. And kitty. And jean.
    Don't forget Lockjaw. And Franklin Richards. And Uncle Ben's corpse. And Galactus.
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    Still, I would have though Scott's personality would have tried to find a connection, especially since he was separated from his own father so early and he looked to Prof X as his replacement. It would be an interesting story to see Rachel's point of view on Cyclops and see if she has any father issues.

    Do you think if Jean came back Scott would go be with her again? It just seems that his relationship with Emma is rather stale at the moment.
    that's a tough one. I want to say he would stick with Emma as he has a solid relationship with her. But all the inferred hanky panky she is open too leaves the relationship ready to be broken.
    Jean comes back. Scott kisses her and they feel weird. He confesses to Emma who already felt betrayed psychically. She has a revenge fling with namor. And tony. And Alex. And broo. And kitty. And jean. Then she is a bad guy again, turns magneto bad again, takes half the mutants, takes over San Fran and next year's x-crossover battle is set. Scott fights along jean, they marry again and more future babies appear and lead the counter attack against Emma's evil mutants. Xavier comes back at the end and finally unifies all the mutants only to be killed. Then it is revealed that chuck has been a dire wraith for twenty-five years.
    I just think that the Scott & Emma relationship hasn't really been dealt with lately. Scott is too busy leading and Emma is doing things. The only time they seem to be together is when they are on mission. I understand that every issue doesn't have to be about their relationship but some form of progress report would be good. Makes me think that Emma will jump ship because Cyclops seems emotionally stunted at the moment.

    As for the Jean thing, I don't think she'd be able to go back with Scott after what happened between her, Scott and Emma. Perhaps we will luck out and Emma & Jean get together. I mean, the X-men are in San Francisco and no one there would oppose it.... I know I wouldn't.
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    I'm just wondering if there's a little bit of someone else hiding in Scotts brain.
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    TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Longtime Cyke fan here. He's the best deadbeat dad character out there! :)

    Seriously, though, what's great about Scott is that he *is* an asshole. If I met him in real life, I think I'd instinctively hate him. He's not a whiner, but there's a definite "his way or you suck" vibe about him. It's always been there, even in the early days. He was the first X-Man. He leads the X-Men. Don't kid yourself there isn't a part of him that doesn't enjoy that.

    The two best quotes that sum him up were made by Wolverine:

    "Yes, Cyclops is a jerk, but he's OUR jerk!" - X-Men/Teen Titans crossover.

    "Now I know why you lead the X-Men" - Astonishing X-Men, after he pretty much wipes out a baseball-field sized swath of ground with his eyebeams.

    He's always been a favorite character.
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    LibraryBoyLibraryBoy Posts: 1,803
    Ah, yes, good ol' likeable, reliable, Scott Summers. A stand up guy.

    Provided that by stand up guy you mean "married the first chick he met who looked like his dead girlfriend, then abandoned her and their newborn child to go back to not-actually-dead dead girlfriend once she came back." I'm convinced that whole Goblin Queen / Jean's clone thing was Claremont's way of retconning Scott out of looking like an ass. "No, really! She was an evil clone created by Mr. Sinister and... and... demons and stuff." And shipping the kiddo off to the future (and then years later sending Scott to the future to "raise" him) was a way to keep him from looking like a deadbeat dad.

    Yup, good ol' Cyclops. A husband and father so bad they spent the next 10-15 years trying to undo the storyline that made him that way.
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    I'm just wondering if there's a little bit of someone else hiding in Scotts brain.
    We recenty had the Dark Angel Saga, now are we going to have Age of Cyclops?
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    demonbeardemonbear Posts: 159
    i don't want a return of the old, old Cyclops!

    never did like him much, unlike my best friend, but i've appreciated how much his character has grown over the past few years. maybe something needs to happen for him to dial it down a bit, if that's what people like, but i hope they don't just erase everything that's happened over the last decade by saying he was mind-controlled by this, or was just an impostor, or whatever.

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    SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    [Cyclops doesn't know if Logan's an imposter]
    Wolverine: Hey! It's me.
    Cyclops: Prove it!
    Wolverine: You're a dick.
    Cyclops: Okay.
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    spidspid Posts: 203
    I feel like the Cyclops we've been getting lately is not really that different from the Cyclops we got from the very beginning of X-Factor. Or even, really, from back when he and Storm were contesting for leadership of the Uncanny X-Men. Sure, there are more stories built around his intensity and the weight of leadership now, especially as the stakes are higher as mutants are now nearly extinct. But, to me, he feels mostly like the same guy. I guess he crossed a line in the sand by creating a secret X-Force team a few years ago, and perhaps for some readers that was a bridge too far, and I get that. But that felt like an organic progression for me, and did not feel THAT much different then some of the extreme measures for mutantkind he was taking even back in the early days of X-Factor. I do get that, post-Deadly Genesis, more comment has been made about Cyclops' extreme view, but I feel like he hasn't been happy go lucky or smiley for a LONG time.

    So, to me, for the "old" Cyclops, we'd have to go back to, I don't know, 1980?

    Also, mark me down as another person who is a fan of Cyclops as a character. I was never one to find him weak or whiny.

    I assume we started reading the X-Men around the same time. For me, Cyclops has always been a jerk. I think recently writers have embraced the character, and progressed his jerky status. When I started reading he had left his wife. He left the X-Men because he got his butt handed to him by storm. He quasi-cheated on his new wife, Jean, with the White Queen.

    Scott is not a likeable character because he is weak. He is not really that nice a guy.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    edited May 2012
    I feel like the Cyclops we've been getting lately is not really that different from the Cyclops we got from the very beginning of X-Factor. Or even, really, from back when he and Storm were contesting for leadership of the Uncanny X-Men. Sure, there are more stories built around his intensity and the weight of leadership now, especially as the stakes are higher as mutants are now nearly extinct. But, to me, he feels mostly like the same guy. I guess he crossed a line in the sand by creating a secret X-Force team a few years ago, and perhaps for some readers that was a bridge too far, and I get that. But that felt like an organic progression for me, and did not feel THAT much different then some of the extreme measures for mutantkind he was taking even back in the early days of X-Factor. I do get that, post-Deadly Genesis, more comment has been made about Cyclops' extreme view, but I feel like he hasn't been happy go lucky or smiley for a LONG time.

    So, to me, for the "old" Cyclops, we'd have to go back to, I don't know, 1980?

    Also, mark me down as another person who is a fan of Cyclops as a character. I was never one to find him weak or whiny.

    I assume we started reading the X-Men around the same time. For me, Cyclops has always been a jerk. I think recently writers have embraced the character, and progressed his jerky status. When I started reading he had left his wife. He left the X-Men because he got his butt handed to him by storm. He quasi-cheated on his new wife, Jean, with the White Queen.

    Scott is not a likeable character because he is weak. He is not really that nice a guy.
    I think we agree that he has been consistent, and that the changes in him have been organic over time. I just think we define weak differently.

    He is certainly not a model husband or father, nor is he a nice guy. But for me, that is not the kind of weakness I am talking about. I see him as a strong, decisive leader (as opposed to his lingering reputation for being a wet blanket or whiny), and passionate about protecting mutants as a race. But he has deep personal flaws. For me, those flaws (and, I will grant, you could call them weaknesses) are what make him interesting as a character. If he were an intense, dedicated leader, but also morally flawless and emotionally mature, then he would just be another Captain America (and that is not to say Cap is not interesting, but more that we already have one).

    So, for me, I think he is a strong leader, but he is not a happy or good person. And that has been shown in a lot of the personal life decisions he's made. And I always find flawed characters more interesting than idealized perfect ones. For me, it is not likeable in the sense as I would want to be them. But that those are the characters I enjoy reading. I guess (to grab an example of a very different character in a different setting) the same is true of why I enjoy John Constantine. Wouldn't want to be him, or have him as a friend, but he's great fun to watch.

    And I agree that writers have really focused on the jerk side (or, I guess I might call it, the radicalized or even survivalist side) in part because they keep giving him a larger and larger group to lead, and they have made the stakes for mutants as a race higher and higher. So if he ends up being even more of a jerk than Xavier was, it is because Cyclops is given an even harder leadership job than Xavier had back in the good old days.
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    spidspid Posts: 203
    I meant to say he is not weak, but he is not a nice guy either.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,883
    I meant to say he is not weak, but he is not a nice guy either.
    Got it. I agree.
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