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Murd's Time Bubble - The Twenty-Fourth Time Talkback

For only the second Time in the meandering meta-history of the Time Bubble (see the all-Time classic The Seventh Time for the first), Murd welcomes aboard a guest co-pilot: the ever-affable Shane Kelly! Together, they road-trip back to August 2001 for a look at key issues of JSA and Amazing Spider-Man, a quirky Batman/Aquaman team-up, and a very special Daredevil miniseries. But on the way home, they find themselves pleasantly, wistfully Lost in the Stars... (2:10:42)

Listen here.


  • Evening639Evening639 Posts: 368
    Is there a Twenty-Third Time?
  • Adam_MurdoughAdam_Murdough Posts: 506

    Is there a Twenty-Third Time?

    Yes, there is, but due to a.) its being the first Time Bubble episode released on the main CGS feed instead of its own separate podcast feed, and b.) all the monkeying Bryan's been doing with the CGS website, it's been sucked into a pocket universe of sorts, making it difficult to locate unless you know just where to look. (Curse you, Time Trapper!!!)

    Fear not, though: You can listen to it here! :)
  • luckymustardluckymustard Posts: 927
    Even though I generally know how to get to the page where I can download the mp3 file the way I like to (not RSS, nor iTunes, or any other possible way) by right clicking and choosing "save", for most of the episodes since the re-design, this one took me an extra couple minutes. I ended up searching in the CGS search box for "twenty-fourth", and that took me to the page that contained the right clickable link containing the mp3 file.

    Is there any effort that could be made to make things a little more simpler? Or am I missing something?
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    Great episode and it was fun having Shane along for the ride.

    The JSA and Hawkman comics are the pinnacles of DC comics for me. When I look at what DC is today I can't help but yurn for titles like those.

    Despite that I haven't been able to get into Starman. I bought 3 omnibuses and struggled to finish them. Sacrilege, I know, but for whatever reason it just doesn't connect with me.

    Fitting having both a Loeb and JMS comic to talk about as they're probably the two writers who I have the strongest love/hate feelings for. Both writers have turned in some amazing stories as well as some infamous duds(as Murd pointed out about Loeb). While I'm not a fan of JMS' Spider-Man in general I can't help but acknowledge he helped make the character a big seller again.

    The Time Bubble is on the cusp of when I got back into comics(Fall 2001). I've gone back and read many of things covered in past time bubbles but I'm looking forward to Murd covering issues I remember buying off the rack.

  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763

    the ever-affable Shane Kelly

    Fun Fact: In High School, Shane Kelly was voted "Most likely to be affable!"

    it's been sucked into a pocket universe of sorts,

    Damn you, Franklin Richards!

  • RepoManRepoMan Posts: 327

    Is there any effort that could be made to make things a little more simpler? Or am I missing something?

    Took me awhile as well. It also seems like the regular CGS episodes aren't in numerical order any more. It's very confusing. haha
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Really, really enjoying the 24th time @Adam_Murdough - thanks for returning to this time period to share your thoughts on the stack. Excellent appearance by @ShaneKelly to be sure. You can tell Shane is a serious fan of DC, perhaps even especially the era being discussed. I don't blame him either. Those were heady days. Hope Shane joins the Time Bubble again... In the future.
  • i_am_scifii_am_scifi Posts: 784
    edited May 2015
    Proving that The Time Bubble always winds up being timely even when discussing comics from years ago, Ezekiel's bunker is relevant in the origin of the new and popular Spider-female, Silk, AND is a key part of the Spiderverse story arc. It's like somehow they know what's next on your pile, @Adam_Murdough and @ShaneKelly!
  • My first Time Bubble episode, and I had a lot of fun. You guys talked about two of my favorite superheroes: Daredevil and Spider-Man.
    But hey, regarding Captain America: White, Marvel announced last month that they'd release #1 in September!
  • penn2kpenn2k Posts: 30
    Did anyone else notice that the two MOHOTMU episodes released right after this 'Time Bubble' were focused on Kang? Maybe @Adam_Murdough is trying to tell us something about his true identity? Hmmmmmm.....
  • mguy1977mguy1977 Posts: 801
    Thank you Murd & Shane for another podcast trip in the time sphere. It is always appreciated of your efforts especially since it is raining all week here and anything longer than 90 minutes is a welcome change of pace. #comicsjoy

  • ShaneKellyShaneKelly Posts: 156

    Really, really enjoying the 24th time @Adam_Murdough - thanks for returning to this time period to share your thoughts on the stack. Excellent appearance by @ShaneKelly to be sure. You can tell Shane is a serious fan of DC, perhaps even especially the era being discussed. I don't blame him either. Those were heady days. Hope Shane joins the Time Bubble again... In the future.

    Thanks! I really did love this era of DC books!

    Starman, JSA, and JLA at this time were the top of my list.
  • mphilmphil Posts: 448
    edited May 2015
    Speaking of DC from the year 2001, I cannot recommend JLA: Incarnations enough. It's a miniseries featuring retro-active stories about the JLA in its various... incarnations. There's even a story set during Crisis featuring Justice League Detroit. If you are able to find the issues in the back bins do pick them up, they are all double-issues too.
  • ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    Soooooo glad to have another episode of this! Even when the books aren't to my personal taste, somehow the listening experience is always fascinating!
  • Chuck_MelvilleChuck_Melville Posts: 3,003
    mphil said:

    Speaking of DC from the year 2001, I cannot recommend JLA: Incarnations enough. It's a miniseries featuring retro-active stories about the JLA in its various... incarnations. There's even a story set during Crisis featuring Justice League Detroit. If you are able to find the issues in the back bins do pick them up, they are all double-issues too.

    It was an excellent series, and it gets my recommendation as well. Ostrander did an excellent job of capturing each 'era' of the JLA, right up to the then-present version by Grant Morrison. Does a nice job of filling in a few holes in the post-Crisis history of the JLA and answers a few questions, such as why Superman was not a full-time member, and why Batman was.

  • ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    edited May 2015
    @ShaneKelly I feel like I might have mentioned this to you before, but a lot of those favorite comics you're hanging onto just happen to be some of the most valuable mainstream issues/runs of the last 15 years. Certain JMS/JRJR Spidey issues command good money, especially certain ones with J. Scott Campbell covers. And that goes double for later Amazing Spider-Man issues with JSC covers (#601, #606, and #607 especially -- look up how much money those regular issues fetch, you'll be shocked). All I'm saying is, on the off-chance that someday you might consider getting rid of those comics as if they were valueless things just taking up space -- think twice!

  • ElsiebubElsiebub Posts: 338
    edited May 2015
    Also, to piggyback off the Morlun stuff: Yes, Spider-Verse is definitely worth reading if you enjoyed the original JMS arc. As someone who really only sorta liked the JMS run... and as someone who was sick of alternate reality versions of characters before the event even started... even I liked Spider-Verse quite a bit. The event was huge, but if you don't want to pick up the oversized hardcover (not a bad value if you can get it at 40% off), all you really need are the core chapters that took place in the Amazing Spider-Man title. Definitely recommended.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    I acquired several of the Starman hardcover omnibi from In Stock Trades some time ago based on @ShaneKelly's continued praise in CGS episodes, but failed to get vols. 3 and 6. And now 3 is nigh impossible to get unless you're willing to pay twice and often thrice its cover price. I want to start reading it but don't want to start if I have to stop at vol. 3. Someday. Someday.

    I gave a special place for JMS' Spider-Man run because that was part of what got me back into comics. I had heard rumblings of how good it was and sought it out.

    Another fantastic episode, fellas! Makes the drudgery of grading middle school work much less painful.
  • alienalalienal Posts: 508
    mphil said:

    Speaking of DC from the year 2001, I cannot recommend JLA: Incarnations enough. It's a miniseries featuring retro-active stories about the JLA in its various... incarnations. There's even a story set during Crisis featuring Justice League Detroit. If you are able to find the issues in the back bins do pick them up, they are all double-issues too.

    I believe Murd discussed a few of those issues in the 22nd or 23rd Time Bubble.
  • alienalalienal Posts: 508
    Anyway, I enjoyed the Time Bubble this time out, as usual! It was nice to have Shane along for the ride. Strangely enough, I think I only read a couple of the issues you guys covered. Maybe my money was getting low back in 2001. One of the things I enjoy most about these Time Bubbles is that while you are talking I can go back and rifle through my boxes and find the issues you're talking about and re-read them. It motivates me. \:D/
  • MTCapMTCap Posts: 1
    A very entertaining voyage.
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