At a con, if any of you spot any "fake" geeks, male or female, by all means please direct them to whatever booth I'm working, as I'll be glad to talk to them about anything they like, and a… (View Post)
I love Owly, and if language is an issue, you can't beat it. It's definitely for a younger audience, but I think anyone can enjoy it. Plus, there are some digital freebies to give it a try on Andy Ru… (View Post)
I've read Sandman and volumes 1 & 2 of A Distant Soil. I'm sure I've read more, but I don't recall. I also have a piece of her original ADS art. Actually since I sent it back to her last week and… (View Post)
I've been gathering Mxyzptlk (or should I say Mxyztplk) appearances. I think the farthest back I have is Superman #40, coverless. In fact I have quite a few coverless copies of golden age Mxy appeara… (View Post)