Just for fun, the World's Fair edition of The Flintstones At The New York World's Fair comic. I'm pretty sure there was a standard mass-market version from Gold Key as well, but I haven't got an imag… (View Post)
Before there was Starfire of the Teen Titans, there was Starfire! She was a freedom fighter of the far future, fighting against alien conquerors. It had nice art by Mike Vosburg, who knew how to draw… (View Post)
I've just been cruising through Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet, Robin: Year One and Batgirl: Year One, for some post-Crisis origins of Batman's partners. Good stuff. I've also just picked up, read a… (View Post)
Sometimes it helps to ignore the books that were inspired by the original -- they usually just copy the surface details and ignore/overlook what's at the heart of the original classics. If it helps a… (View Post)
I haven't read any Red Hulk outside of his appearances in the Avengers, but I'm given to understand that where the Hulk's power grows as a result of his rage, Red Hulk's power grows as a result of hi… (View Post)