My problems with Superman go beyond the loss of his red trunks. I found most of the Bat-books to be less than they could have been, or even what they once were, Batgirl being a possible exception, an… (View Post)
This isn't comics related, but thought the dispute might be of interest. Maggie Hogarth, a self-published artist and writer, recently finished a SF novel about space marines, titled, in fact, Spots, … (View Post)
I didn't think to mention it, but there are about three or four trade volumes collecting the first couple of years of Justice League/Justice League International. If you want to be a completist, ther… (View Post)
The so-called 'bwa-ha-ha' League was formed during the Legends mini-series in 1987, and proceeded to it's own series in Justice League (1st series). It changed it's title with issue #7, becoming Just… (View Post)
Actually, the connection with April and that being the month of April Foolery reminds me of Marvel's Assistant Editor Month from a few decades ago, which had some pretty mixed results -- some cool an… (View Post)