What has Card said that's particularly hateful or inflammatory? I looked at his wiki page and it seems that he backtracked on some of his more extreme positions (like saying that laws against homosex… (View Post)
I basically agree with Jamie. This isn't about being "old" or too sensitive or whatever; this is about taste and good manners (or lack thereof). I read Watchmen when I was 12. I think coars… (View Post)
I'm with Jamie on New Avengers, and I'd just add that this seems to be a clear example of Hickman being needlessly difficult and overcomplicated with his storytelling. I generally really, really enjo… (View Post)
I could be wrong, but I've never heard of Right-to-Work laws affecting this sort of thing. Isn't Right-to-Work about unionizing or lack thereof? I'm pretty sure that they don't interfere with individ… (View Post)
The threadstarter's right. I've enjoyed the Bat-line lately overall (very slightly more than I did pre-Flashpoint), but much of it is so dark and violent that it annoys me. And I'm usually not annoye… (View Post)