@EarthGBilly Or I have somewhat of an understanding of what Christian Science stands for and find it hard to take seriously anyone who thinks death and disease aren't real. While on the topic of Chri… (View Post)
I myself enjoy Rookie Blue but that's because it's the only cop show I watch. I do agree that there are to many. Well, I do watch Grimm and Fringe which are cop like but they aren't the normal flare … (View Post)
O.K this is bugging me. The "could care less" saying. It's "I couldn't careless" unless of course you actually do care about topic X,otherwise,yes, it is "I could care less&q… (View Post)
Really, single highhandedly ruined Transformers? Come on now, Megan Fox was in it, Michale Bay directed it, and the writers clearly did not do their research on the line. I actually think Shia was on… (View Post)