FUCK!! 155Million opening weekend? I really did not expect it to go that far for opening weekend but to be honest I have no idea just how popular the books are. The trailer makes me think the movie i… (View Post)
I think him doing it like it was in the comics would have come off to corny. It rocked well in the comics due to the place he was mentally but at the end of S2 he just wasn't there yet. (View Post)
FINALLY! is all I had to say during the last 5 minutes of the finale. the only thing I have a problem with is that the actress playing Michonne doesn't have long hair, it's a small thing, but for som… (View Post)
My only 2 real issues with the show are that 1) it's not procedural 2) The episodic stories. I wish some would run 2-3 eps. As a whole I do like the story. It's interesting and the characters aren't … (View Post)