I was afraid She-Hulk #1 was going to retread a lot of the same ground the Slott series did, but that was needless worry. The legal stuff was handled more seriously than that run, but still fanciful … (View Post)
I've heard the first 20 minutes so far and really looking forward to the rest when I get the chance to listen. Calling the early days of the FF "a legendary run" is by no means hyperbole...… (View Post)
Sometimes those Archie books (and most "kids" comics) can be really hard to track down once they go past their sell-by date and issues you'd think would be quarter bin fodder can go for at … (View Post)
Picked up The Riddler Chase set during our post-Lego Movie trip to the Lego Store and got the chance to put it together this week. Awesome set. The Riddler's dragster is a bit on the lame side, but I… (View Post)
I dig it, especially because it keeps the name in play (good) without demoting Carol (even better) and it furthers the idea of the superheroic legacy (a concept I have always loved and one Marvel has… (View Post)