I'm not sure many people tune into a show like Supergirl wanting it to reflect their life back at them. Characters can be written as relatable in any situation, occupation, or environment, so I'd lov… (View Post)
It would be interesting to see a Marvel comics story in which all the current subletting heroes are together and someone's like "Wow....so I guess this is becoming a thing"...or some other … (View Post)
Yeah, unfortunately, that's part of the larger trend of superheroes no longer naming themselves and/or being embarrassed by the moniker given to them by the press. However, I think the pissy self-con… (View Post)
As far as DC's new Power Girl causing Marvel heartburn, when's the last time they promoted Luke Cage as "Power Man" anyway (in a non-ironic, Meta-Bendis way)? (View Post)