Short but sweet episode! My thoughts on "Rogue One" line up almost exactly with the three Geeks. I completely agree with Chris that Felicity Jones brought almost nothing to the role of Jyn … (View Post)
Nice to hear Pants again. Welcome back! Gotta hand it to Murd for being present on so many recent episodes, despite his hectic work schedule at the Christmas Barn! Thanks for making the time, Adam! A… (View Post)
....and don't forget Savitar! I hear you....I'm really sick and tired of the crowd of speedsters ping-ponging all over the screen. Very boring, and really waters down Barry's uniqueness. (View Post)
Nothing specific to comment on regarding the Previews offerings, but I just wanted to thank Adam and Chris for doing yeoman's work keeping the CGS fires burning the last several episodes. It's always… (View Post)