For my wall calendar the last two years, I've used "classic" calendars where the past year happened to match the current year. So, in 2014 I was using an old Marvel calendar from 1975. And … (View Post)
Here's a book about comics that I enjoyed the hell out of recently -- published by TwoMorrows, and highly recommended for anyone interested in the Bronze Age. Lots of covers (and artwork) inside... (View Post)
Here's two Marvel b&w mags I believe I still own (buried under too many boxes at the moment): A Gray Morrow cover from June 1975... ...and a Bob Larkin cover from January 1976 I read a couple of … (View Post)
That's a worthy one to end your great run of Halloween covers, @bralinator ! Here's mine... I read this one when I was about 7 years old, and the freaky Bernie Wrightson creatures on the cover and in… (View Post)