Countdown to Final Crisis is to be avoided at all costs. It's a mess, and they didn't connect up with Final Crisis messed things up so bad Final Crisis had to have a few rewrites and ru… (View Post)
My favorite Batman was the 80's Batman who still had a life as Bruce Wayne, used Matches Malone to dig up dirt on the underworld, and felt like a super-hero. It was a slow transition from the James B… (View Post)
I think it came from what a leaden thud the last part was. After the great reboot and the brilliant 2nd film, Returns was an overlong mess that didn't have great story the first two did. I also think… (View Post)
It always baffles me when I hear Amazing Spider-Man 2 was a bomb or disappointment and it's the #6 movie int he world for this year. Kids, if you can't make a profit when your movie grosses 3/4th of … (View Post)