I think you get rid of Shadowland the way Waid did: Just don't bring it up. We don't need some big cosmic explanation (which doesn't fit the street level DD stories IMHO), just ignore it. I mean, we … (View Post)
Another series that started off with a very convoluted initial story and doesn't set up its status quo until around issue 5 - 7. After watching a lot of TV series 1st episodes with the fall season st… (View Post)
Pants, you've help the show through a few big transitions, and have done an excellent job. Thank you for all of the work you did and the entertainment you've given us. And don't be a stranger! (View Post)
I am always surprised when people say that Marvel needs a complete reboot. Why do you think that is? I think Marvel has done a good job of not being bogged down by its past since Quesada came in and … (View Post)