Uncanny Avengers: Still reading it, but it sure doesn't feel like the Cornerstone book it was sold to us as. I like the tension in the group, but that needs resolution soon or it become a case of “We… (View Post)
To get serious (which is odd for me lately...) There are solid discussions on this site, and then there are people who just talk past each other and I prefer when there is give and take and we LEARN … (View Post)
YOU'RE WRONG!!!! I never paid any attention to it, myself. I've been on the forums since 2005, and if people didn't like my posts, I figure they'd tell me to shut up or to go away. And I'm still here… (View Post)
Read something you've heard is great from the past and have never read. I just read "Fagin the Jew" this week, and I'm SO excited about what comics can do again! (View Post)
It's terrible! How DARE they allow this guy to play Batman! I mean, his previous work was Beetlejuice and Mr. Mom! And as Johnny Dangerously! It's an outrage! Oh. Wait. I was just repeating what fans… (View Post)