Collecting original art - depending on what you hope to get out of it - can be really fun and doesn't have to break your wallet in the process. Many artists sell their pages directly shortly after th… (View Post)
Which is a damn shame, because there *is* some really good stuff coming out right now. Mainly on the books where they seem to be willing to have some fun with the characters. Modok:Assassin, Ms. Marv… (View Post)
Here's the thing, folks... In the early days of comics, DC put out some shit books. So did Marvel. In the 1980s, DC put out some shit books. So did Marvel. With the New52, DC put out some shit books.… (View Post)
I had no idea Sesame Street had "seasons" in the first place. I figured they just cranked out new episodes and put them in rotation with the old stuff as they got funded. I mean, sure, a lo… (View Post)