Let me clarify: Han's look is not a bad coloring job at all. The hues and tones Delgado achieved is quite spectacular. But to put it right next to the other colors is wrong. Lando had the same proble… (View Post)
Got around to seeing A Monster Calls. Good dramatic film with some interesting 2D/3D animation thrown in. However, I couldn't get over the feeling that I've heard this story before. Then it dawned on… (View Post)
That's not what the code information says. I looked at it closely and it does say it's the first issue of the collection. That way it will hook you. Personally, if it grabs me, I'll wait for a comiXo… (View Post)
I use them too and wholeheartedly agree with this. Thems good people and good programs/apps. You can also purchase the app without having to subscribe to the web-based program or purchase the stand-a… (View Post)