If you're giving them away, this is better than dumping them in a fire or the trash. As a middle school language arts teacher, I would also recommend donating them to a local elementary or middle sch… (View Post)
I decided to try this on comiXology for only a buck. I don't read much manga, and am very picky about what I do read, but I liked your description. I hope to get to it in by the end of the year. (View Post)
Man, I hurt all day Monday. Someone asked if it was a "good hurt," as I had the pride of finishing my first 10k to mask some of the pain. Nope. Still hurt like hell. But... I did it! I walk… (View Post)
Running my first 10k tomorrow. A little nervous. I don't know why, but I hope I can get some good sleep anyway. If I die tomorrow, it's probably not because of the running, but because I'm skipping o… (View Post)