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Digital Comics Poll



  • Wait a month and get a discount

    What is the concenus: do you keep all the downloads you have or do you 'delete' all or some when your done?

    I delete books I didn't like or if I'm not likely to read them again in the next six months.

    I have to delete them. My unread comixology books come in at 10GB and monopolise space on my ipad...and that's a small portion of the books I've bought.

    Comixology really need to improve the way they manage purchases. Just having a long chronological or alphabetical list isn't good enough. They need folders, sort by creator etc.
  • Wait a month and get a discount
    You think Comixology is bad, have you tried the Dark Horse app? Zero functionality in terms of collection management (not even archiving), and no wish list, either. Horrid.
  • fredzillafredzilla Posts: 2,131
    Sales ($0.99, 50% off, and discounted)
    Gargoyle said:

    Comixology really need to improve the way they manage purchases. Just having a long chronological or alphabetical list isn't good enough. They need folders, sort by creator etc.

    Here! Here! I get so frustrated when I want to look for older issues that I want to re-read and I have to scroll through all the previous issues.
  • Sales ($0.99, 50% off, and discounted)
    I also don't like the dark horse app. Frustrating as hell to use.
  • Wait a month and get a discount

    I also don't like the dark horse app. Frustrating as hell to use.

    I've thrown my lot in with comiXology, I don't buy through other stores having been burned with

  • Sales ($0.99, 50% off, and discounted)
    Comics plus isn't bad. Not great. But not bad
  • Wait a month and get a discount
    I held out for over a year hoping Dark Horse would show up on Comixology, but I want to read the new Ghost series so I caved.
  • Floppy codes (DC combo-pack and Marvel included digital copy)
    I have recently discovered that if I was to purchase my comics in the digital medium the same day they come out in print... I will save about 10 cents a book... don't sound like much I know... but I work 12 hour days and am a father of a 9 and 2 year old... my time is eaten up and getting to my LCS can be a challenge. I haven't made the jump to digital yet... but Im not opposed to it. The convience is very appealing to someone in my position.
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