How do you protect your most precious collection? Do you...
1: Keep them bagged and boarded for the comic to sit loosely inside?
2: Keep them bagged and boarded for the comic to be snug and tight to minimize movement?
3: Use one of the above and include a plastic hard case (Top Loader).
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For older comics, I bag them individual in stiff mylar (I forget what it's called).
L nny
1) Saves me money on supplies
2) Each "package" feels sturdier than it does with only a single book
3) Since there is a spine on each side of the bag (one in front and one in back of the board), large numbers of books lay flatter/more evenly and don't "slant/slope" to one side when in a stack, or in a box.
I also order my regular titles from DCBS and get their acid-free bags/boards with each book. I store books tightly in a taped bag, and aside from the acid-free benefits, mylar doesn't lose it's shape and pull up/wrinkle over time. Books look as nice in the bag 10 years from now as they did the day I bagged them.
Also - whenever I part with books on eBay I'm pretty sure I get more than I would otherwise because I'm able to say they've been stored in - and ship with - acid free bags and boards.
I file mine... alphabetically first, series, second (all Superman titles together, for example), and continuity third (all crossovers go with the main series). Special events or extracompany crossovers get their own boxes.