It's time for the Big Summer Story in Spider-Man, and the first part of Ends of the Earth is now out. I like the set up, and I also like how Slott is following up on plot threads he's laid for a LONG time in the story. Very little in the way of super-hero action occurs, but all of the pieces are in place for the story. Doc Oc is plotting something huge, he's doing it in a way that makes people think he's going to try to go out as a good guy, and Peter Parker's perfect job is in trouble.
Good stuff going on in this series!
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I'm hoping that Slott gets a chance on FF when Hickman is done in the fall.
I've been looking forward to seeing what Doc Oc has been working up to.
I also think Peter's job at Horizon was in trouble from the start. Not sure how it'll go down but you can't pull off what Pete's been doing long term without some of those geniuses figuring it out or Pete getting caught. Unless Slott isn't going to play it that way.