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Spiderman #700 (spoiler)

REALLY? This is happening? I dont want to say it openly for people who dont know but...

I dont like the writer getting death threats, but good lord that is awful.


  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    I saw this earlier today. I understand not liking change, fearing it even, we all experience that in some capacity. Dan Slott should not be getting death threats over this. It takes fandom (if that's what it is at this point) to a dark and crazy level.

    Give the story a chance, you may end up liking it. And please get some help if you need to resort to sending death threats to creators over a comic book story.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    Greg said:

    I saw this earlier today. I understand not liking change, fearing it even, we all experience that in some capacity. Dan Slott should not be getting death threats over this. It takes fandom (if that's what it is at this point) to a dark and crazy level.

    Give the story a chance, you may end up liking it. And please get some help if you need to resort to sending death threats to creators over a comic book story.

    Well, I don't like him getting threats. Thats just silly. I don't read Spiderman, but if this happened to a character I did read I would absolutely be pissed. I would stop reading and check back in when Marvel inevitably undoes it in 2-10 years.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    I concur. Seeing the ending makes me even less interested in reading the story or follow up series. The other times this has happened with favorite characters of mine: I STOP READING THEM. I'm sure there are people who will love this change, and quite frankly, when THEY stop things will go back, not if the writer is dead!

  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    My takeaway from the article?
    But - here's the important part - it's a fucking comic book. Any fan who believes this is going to be a permanent change of the Spidey status quo is an idiot. Oh, it might last years, sure. More likely people will complain about it like they did the Clone Saga (another point when Peter stopped being Spider-Man for awhile) and sales will drop and Marvel will reverse it earlier than they had planned. But the chances of Peter Parker never showing up in a comic book again are 0%.
    Clone Saga
    One More Day

    Is there anyone on this board who feels we will never see Peter Parker back in the Spidey suit again?
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    Torchsong said:

    My takeaway from the article?

    But - here's the important part - it's a fucking comic book. Any fan who believes this is going to be a permanent change of the Spidey status quo is an idiot. Oh, it might last years, sure. More likely people will complain about it like they did the Clone Saga (another point when Peter stopped being Spider-Man for awhile) and sales will drop and Marvel will reverse it earlier than they had planned. But the chances of Peter Parker never showing up in a comic book again are 0%.
    Clone Saga
    One More Day

    Is there anyone on this board who feels we will never see Peter Parker back in the Spidey suit again?

  • I am just going to say I think this is awesome. Not the death threat, the plot twist. I could not be more excited for Superior Spider-Man.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    Torchsong said:

    My takeaway from the article?

    But - here's the important part - it's a fucking comic book. Any fan who believes this is going to be a permanent change of the Spidey status quo is an idiot. Oh, it might last years, sure. More likely people will complain about it like they did the Clone Saga (another point when Peter stopped being Spider-Man for awhile) and sales will drop and Marvel will reverse it earlier than they had planned. But the chances of Peter Parker never showing up in a comic book again are 0%.
    Clone Saga
    One More Day

    Is there anyone on this board who feels we will never see Peter Parker back in the Spidey suit again?

    Yea, but how long will it take? especially considering his body is still walking around normally. What if this is just the way it is for a decade?
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    edited December 2012
    A decade? No way, I can see it going for a year, maybe even a year and a half even. If it is longer than that, ok, I know Peter will be back eventualy. Marvel can barely go 18 to 24 months without changing things up. Dan Slott is a good writer, an underappreciated one at that, I have faith that the stories between now then will be enjoyable. Peter will not be sidelined for great deal of time.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    To answer Planeis' question - it will take however long it takes for sales to drop below a certain number. At that point, a meeting will be held to figure out how to get Parker back in his own body and in the suit again.

    So if you want to see that happen on a faster scale, avoid buying Superior Spider-Man. That's not me being snarky - it's the honest truth. The suits listen with their wallets, not their ears. As mentioned, we didn't like Ben Reilly. Nobody wanted to read a Spider-Man book with Ben Reilly in it. So people didn't buy those books. Suddenly Parker's back, he's not the clone, and Ben's out of the picture.

    Now there *is* a chance, however slim, that they might pull a Brand New Day on us, and destroy something we though was sacrosanct but in the process give us some really great stories. The type we hadn't read out of Spider-Man in years. I'm not sure how that's going to work with Otto in the body/suit, but I'm not saying it *couldn't* happen, either.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    Torchsong said:

    To answer Planeis' question - it will take however long it takes for sales to drop below a certain number. At that point, a meeting will be held to figure out how to get Parker back in his own body and in the suit again.

    So if you want to see that happen on a faster scale, avoid buying Superior Spider-Man. That's not me being snarky - it's the honest truth. The suits listen with their wallets, not their ears. As mentioned, we didn't like Ben Reilly. Nobody wanted to read a Spider-Man book with Ben Reilly in it. So people didn't buy those books. Suddenly Parker's back, he's not the clone, and Ben's out of the picture.

    Now there *is* a chance, however slim, that they might pull a Brand New Day on us, and destroy something we though was sacrosanct but in the process give us some really great stories. The type we hadn't read out of Spider-Man in years. I'm not sure how that's going to work with Otto in the body/suit, but I'm not saying it *couldn't* happen, either.

    I agree with you 100%... kinda. If absolutely no one bought the next series, they'd change this around in a heartbeat. But there are gonna be a ton of people who take a wait and see approach, who want to see if its resolved within the next arc or two, or who maybe want to try and read some interesting stories and think maybe the real Peter will be back in a year to 18 months.

    I'm not even a Spider-Man fan or reader, I'm just looking at this from the perspective of how I'd feel if this happened to a character I like, like Superman for instance.
  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087
    I'm not even a Spider-Man fan or reader, I'm just looking at this from the perspective of how I'd feel if this happened to a character I like, like Superman for instance.
    Good thing you don't know that Superman has died many years ago. Since that day, all we only ever got to see, was that spaceship formed like him. You just wait - we soon get to meet that crew of minature aliens....
  • Im not going to be buying Superior anyway. Ive always liked Spider-Man for the character, not the power so if its a different person under the mask then I just dont really care. Im not particularly a fan of Slott anyway so I dont think i'll be missing much.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980

    I'm not even a Spider-Man fan or reader, I'm just looking at this from the perspective of how I'd feel if this happened to a character I like, like Superman for instance.
    Good thing you don't know that Superman has died many years ago. Since that day, all we only ever got to see, was that spaceship formed like him. You just wait - we soon get to meet that crew of minature aliens....
    I dont know what this means
  • CorwinCorwin Posts: 549 Parker is in the Spider-Man suit...


    Seriously though...if this ending is causing this much of a ruckus I can guess where it's going to go...and I think it will be...interesting to say the least. And from what I read in #699 memories are accessible...
  • random73random73 Posts: 2,318
    Peter and Doc in the Firestorm Matrix...
  • Planeis said:

    I'm not even a Spider-Man fan or reader, I'm just looking at this from the perspective of how I'd feel if this happened to a character I like, like Superman for instance.
    Good thing you don't know that Superman has died many years ago. Since that day, all we only ever got to see, was that spaceship formed like him. You just wait - we soon get to meet that crew of minature aliens....
    I dont know what this means

    @Planeis, it's a Dr. Who refrence.
  • DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    Planeis said:

    Torchsong said:

    To answer Planeis' question - it will take however long it takes for sales to drop below a certain number. At that point, a meeting will be held to figure out how to get Parker back in his own body and in the suit again.

    So if you want to see that happen on a faster scale, avoid buying Superior Spider-Man. That's not me being snarky - it's the honest truth. The suits listen with their wallets, not their ears. As mentioned, we didn't like Ben Reilly. Nobody wanted to read a Spider-Man book with Ben Reilly in it. So people didn't buy those books. Suddenly Parker's back, he's not the clone, and Ben's out of the picture.

    Now there *is* a chance, however slim, that they might pull a Brand New Day on us, and destroy something we though was sacrosanct but in the process give us some really great stories. The type we hadn't read out of Spider-Man in years. I'm not sure how that's going to work with Otto in the body/suit, but I'm not saying it *couldn't* happen, either.

    I agree with you 100%... kinda. If absolutely no one bought the next series, they'd change this around in a heartbeat. But there are gonna be a ton of people who take a wait and see approach, who want to see if its resolved within the next arc or two, or who maybe want to try and read some interesting stories and think maybe the real Peter will be back in a year to 18 months.

    I'm not even a Spider-Man fan or reader, I'm just looking at this from the perspective of how I'd feel if this happened to a character I like, like Superman for instance.
    Not a fan of the Reign of the Supermen, huh? :p
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980

    Planeis said:

    I'm not even a Spider-Man fan or reader, I'm just looking at this from the perspective of how I'd feel if this happened to a character I like, like Superman for instance.
    Good thing you don't know that Superman has died many years ago. Since that day, all we only ever got to see, was that spaceship formed like him. You just wait - we soon get to meet that crew of minature aliens....
    I dont know what this means
    @Planeis, it's a Dr. Who refrence.
    Ah. I get it now.
  • It is not a Doctor Who reference, it is a Firestorm reference.
  • Bring me the head of Dan Slott.!! He did say many people wouldn't be happy with issue 700. But, come on people death threats. Lets think about what your saying and what your complaining about. It's a comic book. Enjoy it for what it has to offer. If you don't like it don't buy it. Unfortunately there will always be foolish over emotional people who can't express themselves any other way. Spider-Man was always my favorite character and I will miss the title. I preordered the first 2 issues of Superior Spider-Man but won't buy any after that. And, I agreed with many of you Peter Parker will be back.
  • WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    edited December 2012
    Read it, wasn't impressed with it. Not Slott's best work, I give it a high borrow on the Pants/Borrow/Buy scale.

    I can already see the way they can put Peter back in the driver seat so I am not to worried. Heck if I can put up with OMD/BND this will be a cakewalk.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980
    Hejsan said:

    Bring me the head of Dan Slott.!! He did say many people wouldn't be happy with issue 700. But, come on people death threats. Lets think about what your saying and what your complaining about. It's a comic book. Enjoy it for what it has to offer. If you don't like it don't buy it. Unfortunately there will always be foolish over emotional people who can't express themselves any other way. Spider-Man was always my favorite character and I will miss the title. I preordered the first 2 issues of Superior Spider-Man but won't buy any after that. And, I agreed with many of you Peter Parker will be back.

    Here's one thing I'm annoyed with. Some of the discussions or blog posts on other websites that have talked about this take this tone of "See... this is what's wrong with comic fans" or "this is why people hate comic book nerds".

    Uh... it aint comic book nerds. This goes on with fans of everything. TV shows, sports teams, movies, books, politics, news programs. Its just something that happens. In the old days it would be "hate mail" now its email and twitter. In the past maybe only a fraction of people who were angry would send a letter, and then whoever they sent the letter to probably only read or saw a small fraction of whatever they were being sent. Now, when your getting tagged on twitter and facebook with hatemail its probably harder to ignore.

    So I don't think much has changed, and I don't like some of these blog posts that act like this is some kind of thing that only comic book nerds do.
  • chriswchrisw Posts: 792
    I hate to be averse to change, because one problem I have with comics for the last 10+ years is their inability to allow change, constantly coming back to a status quo that was set in the '60s, '70s, or '80s, depending on the character.

    But this doesn't excite me much at all. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I was waiting for a heroic ending, with Peter Parker victorious. I was ready for the story to wrap up, not be prolonged. There's just something creepy about reading it and knowing it's Octavius.

    It's a clever idea, and if it were a story taking place within Amazing, I'd probably find it compelling. Launching a new series based on it? I just don't think I'm interested.
  • fxmattfxmatt Posts: 78

    I'm only recently a Spider-Man reader and my opinion is this may be a good thing. Peter Parker was a good character but it may be time for the book to move beyond what has already been estblished. It may be refreshing to see how Doc Oc's character progresses through this new body, everyone loves a redeemed super villain right?
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    It'd be intersting to see if at some point in time Pete's body starts to reject Otto like it's fighting off an invading virus. See Otto's plan backfire a bit as an opening to Pete's return.
  • WebheadWebhead Posts: 458
    Greg said:

    It'd be intersting to see if at some point in time Pete's body starts to reject Otto like it's fighting off an invading virus. See Otto's plan backfire a bit as an opening to Pete's return.

    That's exactly how I see it going down. The only real question is how long till it happens.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    Planeis said:

    Here's one thing I'm annoyed with. Some of the discussions or blog posts on other websites that have talked about this take this tone of "See... this is what's wrong with comic fans" or "this is why people hate comic book nerds".

    Uh... it aint comic book nerds. This goes on with fans of everything. TV shows, sports teams, movies, books, politics, news programs. Its just something that happens. In the old days it would be "hate mail" now its email and twitter. In the past maybe only a fraction of people who were angry would send a letter, and then whoever they sent the letter to probably only read or saw a small fraction of whatever they were being sent. Now, when your getting tagged on twitter and facebook with hatemail its probably harder to ignore.

    So I don't think much has changed, and I don't like some of these blog posts that act like this is some kind of thing that only comic book nerds do.

    100% agree. Every fandom has their fringe element. Sure, I, and many of my fellow New Orleans Saints fans, are planning to work massive voodoo on Roger Goodell when he steps foot in the Superdome for the Super Bowl, but we're not representative of the entire Saints nation. :)
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    Well I'll be the odd duck and say that I loved #700 and that I'm excited for SSM.

    I really enjoyed the part where Ock views Peter's life and realizes what Spider-Man is all about.

    My one gripe is that before "Spidey" and "Ock" fall out the window we see a few of Pete's friends hit with bullet-like webbing. The webbing seems to go through their of them is MJ. Then, at the end, we see MJ watching the final moments between spider-man and doc ock as if nothing happened...did I miss something?
  • GregGreg Posts: 1,946
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    Well I'll be the odd duck and say that I loved #700 and that I'm excited for SSM.

    I really enjoyed the part where Ock views Peter's life and realizes what Spider-Man is all about.

    My one gripe is that before "Spidey" and "Ock" fall out the window we see a few of Pete's friends hit with bullet-like webbing. The webbing seems to go through their of them is MJ. Then, at the end, we see MJ watching the final moments between spider-man and doc ock as if nothing happened...did I miss something?

    Yeah, it looked like the impact webbing shot through them like a bullet, unless i'm seeing it wrong.
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