There were a bunch of new Marvel Now issues that came out just before Christmas and we catch up on them here. Second issues of Avengers, Avengers Arena, Cable and X-Force, Captain America, FF, Indestructible Hulk and Thunderbolts are discussed as well as third and fourth issues of some other titles. (1:24:39)
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With Hawkeye, and the first couple issues of Fantastic Four and FF, I've done a 180 on Fraction's writing. I really hope that the Allred's and Fraction stay together on FF for a long, long time.
That being said I'm really disappointed by Marvel Now.
I was actually really excited for Marvel Now as I thought this would be an ideal point to get into some Marvel books, as I'm more of a DC guy. But as the solicits came out nothing really grabbed my attention. Avengers sounded interesting but I won't pick up any 3.99 bi-monthly books out of principle. Guardians of the Galaxy has me interested too and will be the first I pick up as this is standard one book a month.
Even as the books came out I have been excited to hear these episodes to point me in the right direction. The New 52 episodes got me reading books I would never normally pick up. But Marvel Now just hasn't grabbed me. Everything sounds average, with nothing popping out.
That being said of all the books so far, I am intrigued by The Indestructible Hulk and Journey Into Mystery. So I think I'll give these a try in trade format first and catch up if I like them.
To even things out and going a little off topic, I am falling off DC books left and right at the moment too.
If I'm missing anything great over a Marvel please correct me! As i said, I'm disappointed nothing has jumped out at me.
I do like that everything that happened previous wasn't completely thrown out the could more titles be new reader friendly? Yes. But the wealth of back material that can affect where the story can go excites me.
oh, wait. I haven't even gotten the 2nd issues of some of these from DCBS, so I will have to stop listening. I'll add more later perhaps. I dropped Cap, also. Just too "out there." Thunderbolts, too. Not grabbing me. Like you guys, I was also somewhat impressed with Journey Into Mystery #1, but I also dropped that. Maybe I can catch up on it later.