That sounds great. I have started re-reading them myself and it's been an excellent journey. I have discussed the first 6 issues of his first volume so far.
Can you expand it to talk about other rabbits? Especially Jessica? Sorry to go for the cheap shot but it was the first thing into my head. I've only read scattered issues of UJ but I've never known where to start, this might be a spot. Do you know of any good collections of UJ, I know a few years ago that Top Shelf or someone else released an omnibus of sorts with something like 30 or 40 issues and I sometimes regret not getting it. I have to admit that it is an ambitous goal. As a side note, I challenge someone to the same with cerebus.
The Dark Horse hardback 2 volume Special Edition is what I am using as my principle resource as it starts with Miyamoto Usagi's first appearances in several anthropomorphic comics of the early 80's up until he got his own book. Otherwise the trades are a goo source at a lower price to point to get you started.
I have them and have tried several times but man I just get so bogged down in the first. Maybe it's time to try again. Speaking of which there's not an active Cerebus podcast out there, surprising.
still haven't read any Usagi :\">
but I'm planning to - might as well start listening to your podcast to make it a combo ;)
Sorry to go for the cheap shot but it was the first thing into my head.
I've only read scattered issues of UJ but I've never known where to start, this might be a spot. Do you know of any good collections of UJ, I know a few years ago that Top Shelf or someone else released an omnibus of sorts with something like 30 or 40 issues and I sometimes regret not getting it. I have to admit that it is an ambitous goal. As a side note, I challenge someone to the same with cerebus.