The Site Which Shall Not Be Named*, if it really existed, is NOT having a $3 trade/.80 back issue sale right now to ramp up for convention season. So you don't need to go there to fill in that back stock or pick up a book you've been eyeballing.
As always, I have relayed this information after I went in and got all "the good stuff". Which wasn't there...honestly.
* For New People: The Site Which Shall Not Be Named is the site in the link, above (Fearless Readers). They go to conventions and scour back issue bins and snag trades in bulk where they can and pass the savings on by selling them for a buck or so per back issue or $5 a trade. When we first stumbled onto it, we felt like something this cool was simply too good to let the word get out and have other people staking our claim, so we began calling it "The Site Which Shall Not Be Named" and we always refer to sales as non-existant. For example: "I did not just spend $12 to get the complete trade run on American Virgin."** Several people consistently got confused/failed to see the humor/flat out didn't get it. These people also still think Leno is funny. :)
** Also important to note - they make their money off shipping so it behooves you to get quite a bit so you're getting bang for your buck. I ordered 16 trades and with shipping that was $58, or just a bit more than $3 per trade. You can't beat that.
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