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What do you get Digital



  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884

    batlaw said:

    Whatever is offered for free through the various sites or made availabe to me at no cost by methods such as marvels redeemable codes. Personally I still cant wrap my head around paying for digital.

    Digital is just a different media to convey a message. Like when you go to the movies or if you buy a dvd. You are still seeing the film and having the same emotional response. You wouldn't expect to go to a movie theater for free because you don't get a dvd when you walk out the door.

    There's also the fact that the people making that digital content still need to get paid. Not just the company, but the writer, the artist, the letterer, the colorist, etc. If they don't get paid, you don't get content. These guys aren't fans doing this for free or as a lark -- they're pros who are trying to pay their bills.

    Exactly! You're paying for the content of the comic not the paper it's printed on. That being said, I do beleive that digital comics should be cheaper that printed comics due to the fact that there's less cost from a paper and distribution stand point.
    Agreed. At the end of the day, comics, like TV, film, or even audio entertainment, is no longer just a publishing business. It is a content business. And content providers that want to survive know to platform their content across as many mediums and delivery systems as possible.

    That said, I don't fault anyone that prefers or even is exclusive to one medium. If you only want to consume your comics on paper, that is your choice. (Though that choice may end up becoming a more and more expensive premium, especially for new content.)
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