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TV News: FOX is bringing Commissioner Gordon to television in a new Gotham TV series.

TV News: FOX is bringing Commissioner Gordon to television in a new Gotham TV series.


  • I know they can change continuity to fit tv or the movies but in Batman Year One Gordon moved to Gotham. He wasn't from Gotham. Maybe someone can clarify. Don't know a lot of Batman history. Interesting idea.
  • John_SteedJohn_Steed Posts: 2,087


    Given the popularity of Downton Abbey, why don't they just do a series about the help at Wayne Manor and call it Alfred?

    =D> \m/ B-)
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794

    Given the popularity of Downton Abbey, why don't they just do a series about the help at Wayne Manor and call it Alfred?

    Have they ever done a definitive Alfred backstory? I know I've read hints he was more than just your average butler - he did military service, etc. Seems like that actually *would* make for a good show.

    If they're going to do Gordon, they just need to make GCPD and have an ensemble cast. Give me Bullock and Montoya as the real dynamic duo. Stuff like that.

  • spidspid Posts: 203
    If they make a show like Gotham Central then I think they might have something interesting.
  • Theoretically a Gotham series could be really cool, but it could also fail phenomenally. It'd have to be a reinvention of what it was like in Gotham pre-Batman, because traditionally it's a terrible, corrupt place, with Gordon unable to rise in stature within the police until after Batman's arrival. A series set in that period would be difficult to maintain on a regular network, with a network's demands for 20-somethind episodes per season. As a show on cable, I think Gotham could work, as a show about the corrupt Gotham that Gordon fights against COULD be interesting, but would need to be more densely plotted and mapped out than a typical network show would allow.

    I echo the sentiments of other posters though, in that a Gotham Central show could kick ass, given the right writing and casting. I'd love to see a show with Bullock, Crispus Allen, Maggie Sawyer, Renee Montoya and the rest of the cast of GC.
  • PlaneisPlaneis Posts: 980

    I think Gordon's not being from Gotham originally has only been true since Batman: Year One; before that, I think he was always (by default) a native Gothamite.

    I find the idea of a show about Gordon's early years to be an annoying one. If it were current and set against a Gotham where Batman was actively operating, you'd at least have a version of Gotham Central, and I'd be good with that -- but all this is is just another cop show, with a supporting character becoming the lead. What's the point? It's like getting a steak dinner, but there's no steak.

    Given the popularity of Downton Abbey, why don't they just do a series about the help at Wayne Manor and call it Alfred?

    I agree. Gotham Central type would be better. They probably want to set it "early" so that fans won't clamor for Batman sightings. But that will always happen. They should just set it when Bats is around and only have a brief mention of him now and then. Maybe a CCTV camera captures an image of him every now and then. No big deal.
  • WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    *Remembers Birds of Prey, shakes head, walks away...*

  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    Sounds about as interesting as a Ma and Pa Kent show before the find the baby.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178
    CSI: Gotham City
  • Torchsong said:

    Given the popularity of Downton Abbey, why don't they just do a series about the help at Wayne Manor and call it Alfred?

    Have they ever done a definitive Alfred backstory?
    Several times, though it changes with every generation.

    Originally, when he was first introduced, Alfred was a typical English butler who had come to Gotham to take his deceased father's place in the Wayne household. (At that time, Bruce and Dick were living alone in Wayne Manor and there never seemed to be any sign of any servants -- God only knows who was doing the laundry.) He also had a bent on becoming a private detective, and several of the early stories revolved around that interest.

    During the Silver Age, his backstory was modified to include a passion for acting and a stint playing Shakespeare on the stage, but was, again, preempted by his dying father's wishes that he take up the career of a Gentleman's Gentleman and go serve at Wayne Manor. That was further modified some years later with the inclusion of his years as a war hero during WWII and a brief liaison with Mlle. Marie, the French Resistance heroine, with whom he had a daughter. Some of this was further clarified in some detail in the mini-series, The Ultold Tale Of The Batman.

    I'm not sure how it's currently modified, though I do remember that the Animated Batman added a stint in M5... pretty impressive credentials for a butler whose only real ambition was once to be an aspiring Sherlock Holmes wannabe.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    This idea is another example of how DC TV/movie division is chasing the tail of Marvel. First, it'll be rushed just like the JLA movie will be. Second, it'll be an old, almost cliche with new packaging.

    So, we could get a redesigned Gordon to mimick Coulson & interact with costumed criminals. Could the GCPD be like SHIELD?!

    From what I recall, Gordon came from Chicago. He wasn't Commissioner until after Batman appeared. Even if you fudge the first 2 points, there's an important aspect about a young Jim Gordon on the police force before Batman; he did minimal if anything to stop the corruption of Gotham. It's why he allied himself with a vigilante. So the series would be Gordon complaining to his family about the corruption as he remains passive to stop it.

  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    David_D said:

    Sounds about as interesting as a Ma and Pa Kent show before the find the baby.

    Isn't that the Ma & Pa Kettle series?

  • Matt said:

    This idea is another example of how DC TV/movie division is chasing the tail of Marvel. First, it'll be rushed just like the JLA movie will be. Second, it'll be an old, almost cliche with new packaging.

    So, we could get a redesigned Gordon to mimick Coulson & interact with costumed criminals. Could the GCPD be like SHIELD?!

    From what I recall, Gordon came from Chicago. He wasn't Commissioner until after Batman appeared. Even if you fudge the first 2 points, there's an important aspect about a young Jim Gordon on the police force before Batman; he did minimal if anything to stop the corruption of Gotham. It's why he allied himself with a vigilante. So the series would be Gordon complaining to his family about the corruption as he remains passive to stop it.


    Yeah, because if Gordon had been able to do anything significant about the corruption, there'd have been no need for Batman.
  • PeterPeter Posts: 470
    edited September 2013
    Matt - about it being "rushed". Agents of SHIELD was announced late 2012 and is on tv for the 2013-14 season. Gotham is being announced late summer 2013 and is being scheduled for 2014-2015.

    Nothing rushed about it. Seems like typical tv-series making these days. Besides, how much lead time to you want on a series? You have to pay everyone involved. Why stretch it out for years before it brings in revenue?
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Peter said:

    Matt - about it being "rushed". Agents of SHIELD was announced late 2012 and is on tv for the 2013-14 season. Gotham is being announced late summer 2013 and is being scheduled for 2014-2015.

    Nothing rushed about it. Seems like typical tv-series making these days. Besides, how much lead time to you want on a series? You have to pay everyone involved. Why stretch it out for years before it brings in revenue?

    I denote "rush" as quick to do without thinking things through. Like Birds of Prey, I think there are a lot of holes in this idea. If it were GCPD, Checkmate, or Suicide Squad, I'd say its got some potential. Focusing on a character that's going to (seemingly) be crowbarred into a cookie cut out to fit what they want to do feels "rushed" to me.

  • PeterPeter Posts: 470
    edited September 2013
    Having Batman Rogues appear before Batman could certainly fit the "crowbar" feel. But Gordon in Gotham before Batman is right in line with some of his "origins". Maybe not Year One, but certainly the Dark Knight franchise.

    All to say - there isn't any info we know to make any kind of "crowbar" judgment or that they aren't thinking this through - because nothing has even been offered to us to make ANY kind of judgment good or bad except a title, Gordon, and Batman villains. Hell - Smallville had "crowbar" all over it (Lois, Supergirl, etc - all before there ever was a Superman) and it lasted ten seasons.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Peter said:

    Having Batman Rogues appear before Batman could certainly fit the "crowbar" feel. But Gordon in Gotham before Batman is right in line with some of his "origins". Maybe not Year One, but certainly the Dark Knight franchise.

    All to say - there isn't any info we know to make any kind of "crowbar" judgment or that they aren't thinking this through - because nothing has even been offered to us to make ANY kind of judgment good or bad except a title, Gordon, and Batman villains. Hell - Smallville had "crowbar" all over it (Lois, Supergirl, etc - all before there ever was a Superman) and it lasted ten seasons.

    But...but...but Peter, jumping to skeptical conclusions is what we do.

  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    Young Bruce Wayne chronicles, yes. Youngish Jim Gordon tales, what's the point really? Can't really use any of the element people would want or that would make it worthwhile. So at best they make a really good crime drama. Great but so what. Having the character be Gordon and the backdrop be Gotham is only going to be disappointing to the audience they want and will mean nothing to anyone else. At least Birds of Prey had potential and could tease the bigger world we knew was there. I don't see them being able to do much of that with this. Not well or in such a way as to please bat fans anyway.
  • Fade2BlackFade2Black Posts: 1,457
    The fact that this show is going to FOX, gives me reason to think it might be a grittier show than had it gone to the WB. And by that I mean a little less 90210, and a little more 24.
    I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    batlaw said:

    Young Bruce Wayne chronicles, yes. Youngish Jim Gordon tales, what's the point really? Can't really use any of the element people would want or that would make it worthwhile. So at best they make a really good crime drama. Great but so what. Having the character be Gordon and the backdrop be Gotham is only going to be disappointing to the audience they want and will mean nothing to anyone else. At least Birds of Prey had potential and could tease the bigger world we knew was there. I don't see them being able to do much of that with this. Not well or in such a way as to please bat fans anyway.

    Actually, you're right. Rather then do a year long story arch (Year Zero), I would've loved to see a TV series focusing on a training quest. Part Smallville, part Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, part Pretender. Follow Bruce traveling the world learning new skills. There have been so many skills Batman has revealed to have mastered or at least studied, there's plenty of material to explore without seeming like "the Caves" season of Smallville.

  • PeterPeter Posts: 470
    edited September 2013
    That kinda show has been talked about for years. Probably also called "Gotham" as well - same with that "Amazon" show talked about recently: young heroes finding their way. It's funny how in the comics it's Batman this, Batman that - but in other media they are a little more stingy with cross Batman projects (not including vidja games).
  • For real though, how long can this show go on without answering the bat question. They say he won't be a part of it, but aren't people going to watch because they want at least a glimpse of him? Gotham Central would have been the way to go. He'd at least be in the shadows then. If this show makes it we'll have to wait 9 seasons to even hear rumors of a masked vigilante and the in the series finale, Jim Gordon will throw the switch on the bat signal for the first time. Basically the end of batman begins.
  • batlawbatlaw Posts: 879
    Yeah just can't imagine anything they could do would be all that satisfying. Even if the Wayne family and an active vibrant Alfred were regulars that's not enough of a pay off IMO. I'm sure they would also include like the Cobblepots and some familiar infamous crime families too, but could that be enough? And any known villains would have to only be in their teens at most? I dunno. I see it as a really tough sell.
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