So I didn't really see a place to say this, so here it is. This podcast is awesome. I have been out of comics for years. Getting married and having a kid kinda takes your time and money. So comics had to be left behind. Then I stumbled on CGS on ITunes and BAM!! I am hooked. I love what you guys are doing and I have listened to Murd's Time Bubble and Jamie's Essentials. Plus I have gone through spotlights and some various episodes. I am so getting back into comics. You guys have piqued my curiosity about some titles( Byrne's FF, Man of Steel, Hourman) and took me back to some great comic memories with titles I did read( Starman being one of the big ones). Fantastic time listening to all these hours of talk and I just wanted to share my thanks and hope that there are many more.
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Avengers...sigh...yes, lots of titles and possibly confusing for people who haven't been reading everything. The main title, the backbone of the Avengers titles, is Jonathan Hickman's Avengers book. You can get away with just reading that and you should be OK. Personally I read Avengers and New Avengers as they tend to be connected.
More cowbell.