I wonder if anyone has compiled a list of famous people who have had their letters published in a comic book? I'm not talking about prolific letterhacks or even comic book professionals..but rather people who latter became famous. For example, I know George R.R. Martin had letters published. For some reason this really interests me and if someone has more info on this I'd be glad read about it..thanks!
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In "Snowbirds Don't Fly" issues #85 and #86. Neal Adams drew the cover, which showed Green Arrow’s youthful side-kick, Speedy, shooting heroin. DC Comics approved Adams' cover and O'Neil wrote a two-part story involving drugs with Speedy being hooked. New York Mayor John V. Lindsay wrote a letter to DC Comics in response to the issue commending them, which was printed in issue #86.
@Torchsong @RickM cool examples, thanks!