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RIP Floppies? - 'Marvel Phasing Out Retail Comic Distribution to Focus on Digital'



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    SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445

    One of the shop dealers here in the Twin Cities contacted his Marvel rep, who said, "That jerk has made it so I am spending all day telling people it's wrong. Time that could be spent making sure shops get their reorders."

    Someone explain to me why derpheads like this one put up stories they could check in 30 seconds. If you are wrong (and this guy is) it means NO ONE TRUSTS YOU ANY MORE! He's pretty much known in the industry he covers now as a moron, and he won't get anyone to return his calls. If he even makes any.

    Are you looking for something more elaborate than People are Idiots?

    Seriously, look at how many people rely on things like The Daily Show for news.
    The Daily Shwo usually has better coverage of some issues than 24 hour cable news channel have, because a lot fo their humor is:

    -Showing someone saying something, then showing they said the opposite at some point
    -Showing someone making a "factual" statement, then proving it wrong
    -Showing cable news hosts using talking points with the exact same verbiage (like the 6 different Fox hosts who said Obama wore "mom jeans"
    -Interviewing someone and pointing out they are completely wrong.

    The interviews are also damn good, not throwing softballs at politicians, bringing on actual experts and having long interviews on the web.

    I haven't watched ANY cable news programs and get my news for foreign sources and long-form journalism and don't miss the constant crisis mongering of cable.

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    SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    Torchsong said:

    I think Bob Schieffer of CBS' Face the Nation might well be the last of the true die-hard journalists. I've seen him lay into both sides of the political fence in pursuit of any actual facts that might be found. And sadly he's not getting any younger.

    I get a lot of my news these days from an app called Newsy, which aggregates all the new items from a variety of sources and tries to filter out the crap and opinions. It's not perfect, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.

    There are a LOT of actual journalists. They just don't work for TV any more.
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967

    how about refusing to visit, refer or even mention websites that use these types of articles for web hits?

    looking at you, Dick Johnson.

    You mean does the same thing?!?!?!

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