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Gotham Academy

Picked this up today, I think it shows a lot of promise. The only other Bat title I currently read is Batman & Robin, but seeing a non-vigilante viewpoint of Gotham City is something I have always enjoyed, but those have all been from a police perspective. Seeing Gotham from a civilian viewpoint, at a prep school could be really interesting.

The first issue introduces the cast, who I believe are all new characters (unless Ms. Harriet is indeed Bruce's Aunt Harriet) but enough happened to keep me interested. It appears the drama teacher is the actor on the "House of Secrets" movie poster on Olive's wall. Other than that, none of the other teachers or students set off my radar. The main character Olive Silverlock, may be some relation to Silver St. Cloud though. Bruce Wayne makes a cameo and he seems to be especially interested in her well being.

The "ghost" on the grounds could also be pretty cool, especially if it is who I think it is. Nice teaser on the last page in that regard.

Brenden Fletcher and Becky Cloonan did a great job with the story, but it goes without saying Karl Kerschl is equal to the task on art. He was a great choice for the interiors.

Anyone else pick it up?


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