Anyone here read any of the Marshal Law books? I've read most of them, but it was off the racks 20-25 years ago. This summer I picked up the complete hardcover edition and have just started to dig into it.
I remember really loving the book from my previous reads but I had forgotten just how visually engaging the book is. The manner in which Kevin O'Neil addresses the iconography of the superhero uniform, the graffiti in the backgrounds. I've managed to lose myself in the backgrounds over and over again. I'm probably a couple of hours into my read and haven't even hit the fourth issue yet.
Would love to have the geeks tackle this one.
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The Hateful Dead - which is the one that was serialised, intermittently, in Toxic!, Kingdom the Blind was a separate one-shot Apocalypse released. Kingdom the Blind was good, Hateful Dead is where you start to see the idea wear thin.
Super Babylon & Secret Tribunal, which are in the Deluxe Hardcover and not very good. And Marshal Law/Savage Dragon and Marshal Law/The Mask which aren't and so I can't comment on the quality.
And personally I loved that WildC.A.T.s/Aliens was canon, as that completely subverted the expectations people have going into those crossovers. Not only did it "matter" it also led into The Authority.
To have them eliminated in such an absurd way within the continuity of the series left me with such a bad taste in my mouth that Ellis coming onto a book is a jumping off point for me.