Yup. Feels like a melting pit of various other genre shows/comics: Byrne’s Man of Steel, Hawkworld, the New Krypton story from ‘08/‘09, Abrams Star Trek, Caprica, Smallville, with some Shakespeare thrown in for good luck.
I think I’m watching to see secondary stories/characters. DC TV is great about sliding B/C list concepts into their shows. I’m here for Adam Strange and the potential for other DC sci-fi/space concepts.
Watched the first two episodes over Easter with my dad. I had no idea what the series was about, only that it was obviously Superman related. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
I recently watched the pilot and quite enjoyed it. "My Krytpon" is probably the one from the animated TV show and this feels close enough to that, that I'm going to enjoy exploring it.
I lost interest as of the fourth(?) ep. alao strangely rbe accents / voices started grating on me with this show. I also had to groan at some of the cultural subtext. At any rate, has it gone anywhere? Wirth another look?
I'm through episode 4 now. I can definitely see why you stopped watching @batlaw but I'm going to power through. Things I don't like:
* The whole class warfare aspect. I don't mind this if done subtlety but it isn't here. * Lack of compelling characters. None really stuck out for me so far.
What I do like:
* The set designs are pretty well done. * Brainiac looks really good for a low budget show! * There's enough ties to DC that makes me want to continue on, for now.
I think I’m watching to see secondary stories/characters. DC TV is great about sliding B/C list concepts into their shows. I’m here for Adam Strange and the potential for other DC sci-fi/space concepts.
* The whole class warfare aspect. I don't mind this if done subtlety but it isn't here.
* Lack of compelling characters. None really stuck out for me so far.
What I do like:
* The set designs are pretty well done.
* Brainiac looks really good for a low budget show!
* There's enough ties to DC that makes me want to continue on, for now.