So you probably already know what I'm going to ask...
I'm mostly following Corwin's X-men map(s) through to current day, but I'm ALSO a fan of pretty much anything Bendis writes (don't throw things)... and have therefore a separate "Mostly-Avengers-but-otherwise-non-X-Men" bind series forming up.
With Avengers v X-men, I don't know which one to put them in?
-do I buy 2x? (ouch) I bought 1 of each of the "I'm with ...." for issue number one, but don't want to keep it up (but might have to)
-do I man-up and decide which one they go in?
-Is it going to end up being a more Avengers story (or X-men)? in which case it's an easier decision
I know it'll come down to personal preference, but I'm looking for some wisdom from those of you that have gone through this in some capacity before.
Thanks so much.
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And Bendis got me into reading the much so that I started up an Avengers Podcast.
This next part may belong more in the other thread & I can move it over if you think it'd help others for the Complete X-Men reading, but mine basically follows yours ~75%, but I skip a lot of the supplementals you included (eg. Rogue 1-4 & Cyclops Icons 1-4, etc.) and only included about half of the X-Men Unlimited's (obvi kept the important ones).
The biggest change to mine was that I added in ALL of X-Factors (Vol's 1 & 3, lol, skipped Vol.2) and X-Forces (1-115) b/c I had them and wanted to tie them in. I also added about 75% of the Cable, Gen X and X-Man... which needless to say, made the 90's a nightmare to organize ;-)
One thought off the top of my head for what it's worth, is that I think you got lazy w/ your AoA bind, lol, I'm not sure if you ACTUAL one differs, but you just did issues 1,1,1,1->2,2,2,2, etc. lol, not a criticism, just that you were so meticulous over so much of it, that I was surprised of this, but oh well, that was a messy web in any capacity.
I'll be organized through current times within a week. Our living room is a disaster zone and my wife will be happy about that, lol.
Thanks again!
AvX 9
New Avengers 29
X-Men Legacy 271
Avengers Academy 34
and a bunch of earlier issues...
shifted a few issues around in volume 2 to fix continuity errors...unspliced list is going to look quite different soon. May have to iron out some pacing issues soon.
AvX 10
Avengers Academy 35
Avengers 29
Moved Avengers Academy 34 up.
Due to a few requests I moved the un-spliced list above the spliced list.
Wolverine and the X-Men 15
X-Men Legacy 272
Uncanny X-Men 17
AvX Versus 5 (added to volume 1)
moved New Avengers 29
...going to have to figure out the pacing of the main story with the Avengers Academy and X-Men Legacy side stories...
For my part I'm most likely going to find sometime when Magik was still powered and post the whole Rogue story as a sort of aside : / I don't really like doing this (I don't understand why they had to randomly insert a separate Rogue story in the midst of the best x-men x-over in years)
Another thought I'm considering is tacking it onto the very end as a sort of "by the way, this happened in the middle of it" type of thing.
oh, and thanks for moving up the non-spliced version, that's what I'm more interested in :)
AvX 12
Uncanny X-Men 19
AvX Versus 6
Avengers 30
X-Men Legacy 234
Got to see how some of the aftermath stuff plays off. There is certainly something that is supposed to happen before New Avengers 30. Besides that I've got to look over the pacing again.
Probably going to change where I split the volumes as well. Volume 2 is almost twice the size of volume 1.
Wolverine and the X-Men 18
Uncanny X-Men 20
Uncanny Avengers 1
AvX Consequences 1
AvX Consequences 2
AvX Consequences 3
AvX Consequences 4
AvX Consequences 5
Waiting on Uncanny Avengers #2 before finalizing my map
It's slightly different than before. I've also added it to the bottom of the original order in the first forum post
AvX 2 Volume Set:
AvX 0
AvX Program Guide pgs 1-8
Avengers 25
AvX Infinite Nova story (digital only right now)
AvX 1 (1/2) pgs 1-23 stop Cap/ Iron Man "Do you know where?"
Wolverine & X-Men 9
Avengers 26 (1/2) pgs 1-12 stop fly into space
AvX 1 (2/2)
New Avengers 24
Uncanny X-Men 11 pgs 1-10 (1/5) "but Namor will never be amongst them"
AvX 2 (1/4) pgs 1-22 stop "Don't make me take her by force."
AvX Versus 1 Magneto Vs Iron Man
Uncanny X-Men 11 (2/5) pgs 11-16,23-28 Colossus Vs Rulk
AvX Versus 1 Namor Vs Thing
AvX 2 (2/4) pgs 23-24 stop "You don't understand"
Uncanny X-Men 11 (3/5) pgs 17-18 stop "but it hasn't gone bad"
Uncanny X-Men 11 (4/5) pgs 29-32 end of issue
AvX 2 (3/4) pgs 25-26 stop "Hope?"
Uncanny X-Men 11 (5/5) pgs 21-22 stop "I'm running towards one"
AvX 2 (4/4) pgs 27 - end of issue
Secret Avengers 26
Secret Avengers 27
Secret Avengers 28
Avengers 26 (2/2) pgs 13-end
Avengers 27
AvX 3 (1/3) pg 1-10 Wolverine “head start on findin Hope”
Avengers Academy 29
Avengers Academy 30
Avengers Academy 31
AvX 3 (2/3) pg 11-16 Stop Rachel’s report “Already on the trail”
Wolverine and X-Men 10 (1/2) pg 1-24 stop Cyclops “not the only X-Man here”
X-Men Legacy 266 (1/2) pg 1-6
Wolverine and X-Men 10 (2/2) pg 25- end
AvX 3 (3/3)
X-Men Legacy 266 (2/2) pg 7-end
X-Men Legacy 267
Uncanny X-Men 12 (1/2) pg 1-22 stop "excellent bludgeon"
Wolverine and the X-Men 11 (1/4) pg 1-4 stop "do miss those days"
AvX 4 (1/4) pg 1-16 stop “leaves one possible place”
Wolverine and the X-Men 11 (2/4) pg 5-14 "an Angel can be pushed too far"
AvX Versus 5 Black Panther Vs Storm
Wolverine and the X-Men 11 (3/4) pg 15-28 "Hello?"
AvX Versus 2 – Spider-Man Vs Colossus
AvX 4 (2/4) pg 17-18 stop “even Hank, they all agree”
AvX Versus 2- Captain America Vs Gambit
Wolverine and the X-Men 11 (4/4) pg 29-end
AvX 4 (3/4) pg 19-24 stop “I can feel it”
Uncanny X-Men 12 (2/2) pg 23- end
AvX 4 (4/4) pg 25- end
Uncanny X-Men 13 (1/3) pg 3-22 stop "time to tidy up"
Uncanny X-Men 13 (2/3) pg 1-2
AvX 5 (1/2) pg 1-12
AvX Versus 3
AvX 5 (2/2)
Uncanny X-Men 13 (3/3) pg 23-end
AvX 6 (1/2) pg 1-26 stop "Need the Iron Fist"
Avengers Academy 32
Avengers Academy 33
AvX Versus 5 Hawkeye Vs Angel
X-Men Legacy 268
New Avengers 25
New Avengers 26
Avengers Academy 34- not directly tied into AvX
Avengers Academy 35- not directly tied into AvX
Avengers Academy 36- not directly tied into AvX
Wolverine and the X-Men 17- not directly tied into AvX
Volume 2
Uncanny X-Men 14
New Avengers 29
Wolverine and the X-Men 16
AvX 6 (2/2)
AvX 6 Infinite (digital only)
Wolverine and the X-Men 12 (1/2) pg 1-26 stop "It is your fight"
Avengers 29
Wolverine and the X-Men 12 (2/2)
Wolverine and the X-Men 13
Uncanny X-Men 15
Uncanny X-Men 16
Uncanny X-Men 17
AvX 7 (1/2) pg 1-24 stop "I haven't told Scott"
New Avengers 28
Avengers 28
X-Men Legacy 269
X-Men Legacy 270
AvX 7 (2/2)
AvX 8
New Avengers 27
Wolverine and the X-Men 14
AvX Vs 4
AvX 9
AvX 10
Wolverine and the X-Men 15
Uncanny X-Men 18 (1/6) pg 1-4 stop "I'm winning"
AvX 11 (1/6) pg 1-4
Uncanny X-Men 18 (2/6) pg 5-12 "yes. yes we are."
AvX 11 (2/6) pg 5-16 "stop this madness"
Uncanny X-Men 18 (3/6) pg 14-13, 15-22 "is going terribly"
AvX 11(3/6) pg 17-24 "we're done here Scott"
Uncanny X-Men 18 (4/6) pg 23-24 "Emma my love"
AvX 11 (4/6) pg 25-26 "Don't--"
Uncanny X-Men 18 (5/6) pg 26-25 (yes in that order)
AvX 11 (5/6) pg 29-30 (27-28 are ads)
Uncanny X-Men 18 (6/6) pg 27-end
AvX 11 (6/6) pg 31-end
AvX 12 (1/2) pg 1-6 stop "I should blame you"
AvX Versus 6 (1/2) Scarlet Witch Vs Hope
AvX 12 (2/3) 7-34 stop "but that means...yeah..."
Uncanny X-Men 19
AvX 12 (3/3)
AvX Versus 6 (2/2)
New Avengers 30
Uncanny X-Men 20
X-Men Legacy 274- not directly tied into AvX
AvX Consequences 1
AvX Consequences 2
AvX Consequences 3
AvX Consequences 4
AvX Consequences 5
X-Men Legacy 275- not directly tied into AvX
(I'm adding an insert saying something like: "Wonder what happened to Rogue after she was banished by Magik? Turn the page!")
X-Men Legacy 271- not directly tied into AvX
X-Men Legacy 272- not directly tied into AvX
X-Men Legacy 273- not directly tied into AvX