22 issues of The Boys for 17.99. I know nothing about this series but it is supposed to be as wild as preacher. Can anyone recommend that I buy this it seems like a good deal to me.
My recommendation is to get Battlefields. I collect the series in hardcovers but this is a great deal for anyone that does not have them yet. If you like WW2 stories without the romantic nostalgia you should read these books. I got the same feeling from these stories as I did when I watched Band of Brothers or the Pacific, entertaining yet an insightful look at what horrors the world faced in all the theaters. They are selling vol 1 and 2 for 7.99 each for three days.
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Money well-spent.
(meant to read The Boys one of these days anyways - and why not give Battlefields a try)
I'm going to try Jennifer Blood and I might get up to date with The Boys, although I'm always nervous switching to digital part-way through a series.
and the boys is great
Personally, I would rate this in the bottom half of his works, and sub-par compared to the rest of his output of the last five years. To me, it felt like warmed-over Punisher MAX, and a slightly gimmicky, cable-TV-bait sort of premise. He's written better female characters than this, and I think his harder, better work of late has been going into things like Boys, Crossed, and Battlefields. He himself, in the afterword to the first issue admitted that he did Jennifer Blood to not be deep, and sort of blow off some steam. And that's fine. Although it strikes me that he said roughly the same thing (at least about not going deep) when he and Dillon started on the Marvel Knights Punisher, and I thought that was a lot more fun than 'Blood ended up being. And, personally, I like it better when he does go deeper with things, which he often ends up doing (e.g. the later, MAX Punisher vs. the Marvel Knights run; the second year and beyond of The Boys compared to the first year)
Actually, to be honest, that was also a bummer about Jennifer Blood, as it is a somewhat rare thing as a female-led book. And I think Ennis has written much more interesting stories driven by a female lead.
Oh well. Again, it isn't bad, it just doesn't match up to most of the rest of the work he's done, especially recent work.
Rather pick up some paper for me.
"get off my grass"