This would mark a return of the
X-Men to Fox: hearkening back to the Fox Kids block animated X-Men series from the mid-nineties. Negotiations are still under way to develop an X-Men series, but here's the slight complication: 20th Century Fox controls the film rights to the X-Men characters, the comic itself is owned by Marvel, which is based at rival Disney. A live-action TV series requires Marvel's blessing – and that has led to some delicate talks.
Where could all of this lead? Hmmm...
More info
here FWIW, BleedingCool
called this back in October, but only today has FOX confirmed the rumors. Must mean they are closer to a deal.
Seeing young Men and Women dealing with being a Mutant and living in a world that fears and hates them mixed in with the Teenage high jinx that will undoubtedly be there could be really good.
And the characters from that would be pretty easy to do power wise maybe the toughest would Rahne.