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Joss Whedon Says...

Joss Whedon thinks Marvel's Daredevil should have been a movie.

Joss Whedon says, as far as the Marvel cinematic universe is concerned, Agent Coulson on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is still dead and SHOULD still be dead.

Joss Whedon thinks Edgar Wright's Ant-Man script was the BEST Marvel script yet, which he said as Ant-Man hype based on the NEW script is building.

I never thought I'd utter this sentence in my life, but here we go: I don't give a flying fudgsicle right now what Joss Whedon thinks. This might come as a shock to some of my fellow geeks, but maybe the Joss Whedon way isn't the BEST way. And maybe it's a good thing he's stepping away from Marvel for awhile.

Let me also say that, is the website linked purely because it's where I first saw the information on my newsfeed on Facebook. These are things being widely reported elsewhere during the Avengers: Age of Ultron press tour.

And also, typically I HATE such things being "news" but clearly there is nothing I can do about it so....yeah.

Maybe some agree with Whedon or some don't. I don't know. But these latest things out of his mouth sort of took Whedon off the pedestal for me.


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    BrackBrack Posts: 868
    He has a habit of distancing himself from projects when things didn't go exactly as he would have liked. Community had a line a few episodes ago about AOU "I hear Marvel really penned Joss Whedon in, and that always goes so well", and having seen the film, it felt like they did. You can see the producers' fingerprints all over it in the same way you can in Iron Man 2.

    Whether that's a positive or negative to the finished product is down to the individual viewer, but I can see how that sort of working situation could sour you on the experience.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited April 2015

    To be fair, when you click through to the actual quotes, I think those reporting on this are trying to clickbait us by drumming up controversy where there is none-- making it seem like Whedon, in the midst of the press tour for his movie is crapping on the TV shows and other movie.

    What he actually said is a lot more qualified, positive, and is more about things he would have liked to do in the past, then any negative commentary on what these shows are doing.

    Some things to keep in mind when looking at these statements people are running with:

    - He is one of the creators, and I think is still an EP of, Agents of SHIELD. The showrunners are his brother, and, I think his sister-in-law? Something like that.

    Sure, he may be saying that, to him, in the Avengers movie stories he is telling, Coulson has played his part and is dead. He is basically signaling that we shouldn't expect Coulson to show up in his Avengers movies because he has already done his stuff there.

    But he CREATED, or at least, co-created, the TV show where he is alive. So it is not like he is criticizing that idea, you know what I mean? It might have even been his own idea.

    - The Daredevil thing is that basically when he had a role developing movies for Marvel he wanted to do a Daredevil one. It didn't happen at that time. Now it is a Netflix show run almost entirely by his old collaborators from Buffy/Angel/etc. BACK THEN, he tought DD could make a good movie. And now he is saying:
    “I fought for Daredevil to be a film instead of a TV show,” Whedon says. “Then under the auspices of Drew Goddard and Steve DeKnight… I’m dying to see the show but they released it just as I started the press tour!"

    Whedon goes on say that, in retrospect, television might be the right fit for Daredevil.

    “If the show’s working, the show’s working. Comic books are serialized entertainment and a lot of them lend themselves to TV shows as much or more than they do to movies.”
    So the clickbaiters of the world are trying to make it seem like Whedon is saying the current DD show should have been a movie instead. Nope. He said he once wanted it to be a movie. Now his friends and collaborators have made it a successful TV show he is looking forward to watching.

    - On Ant-Man, if you look at the quote, he is saying that, at the time he read it, it was the best, most Marvel script he had seen (to that time). He is not saying it is better than the script that followed, or that he has even read it. This is not him talking down the movie that got made. This is him saying nice things about Wright and Edgar at the same time, and wishing it hadn't fallen apart.

    I think the clickbaiters of the world are trying to make controversy where there is none. This isn't Whedon talking down anyone else. Maybe he is in the headlines put on these comments. But not in his own words.
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    edited April 2015
    I give this another "Insightful."

    Mr. Whedon has let me down several times simply by opening his mouth. Most recently by tweeting that Jurassic World looks 'sexist.' Thank-you Joss.

    From Mental Floss interview with Joss:
    the Coulson thing was, I think, a little anomalous just because that really came from the television division, which is sort of considered to be its own subsection of the Marvel universe. As far as the fiction of the movies, Coulson is dead."

    'Click-baiters' notwithstanding, I have faith that the Russo brothers are going to with the next Cap and the Infinity War movies.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    And, to be clear, I don't have a dog in this fight either way. I enjoyed Avengers, and look forward to Ultron, but I don't generally seek out Whedon's work or read a lot of interviews from him.

    My point is only that the headlines that people are running with aren't matching the quotes when it comes to those statements. Clickbait 101.
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    I just look at is as clickbait.

    Plus, Whedon has credits on AOS. Maybe he's being cheeky, or maybe I don't give a crap about what he says at any time :p
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I'm sure some studios and fans wish Mark Ruffalo wasn't so politically vocal either...
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    For the record, Kevin Feige seems to confirm that the TV universe IS directly related to the MCU, or in the same "section" in spite of Joss's babblings...
    Slashfilm: Now, when Nick Fury goes away and comes back with a Helicarrier, that seems like a big chunk of off screen story. Is that something we might see referenced on SHIELD?

    Feige: I think it’s fair to say you could fill in some of those blanks in the coming weeks on Tuesday at 9.
    Referenced here
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    For the record, Kevin Feige seems to confirm that the TV universe IS directly related to the MCU, or in the same "section" in spite of Joss's babblings...

    Slashfilm: Now, when Nick Fury goes away and comes back with a Helicarrier, that seems like a big chunk of off screen story. Is that something we might see referenced on SHIELD?

    Feige: I think it’s fair to say you could fill in some of those blanks in the coming weeks on Tuesday at 9.
    Referenced here

    Why would anyone believe a guy who directs 2 movies & co-created 1 of the TV series?

    I don't look at it as 'babbling' as much as having limited involvement on the grand plan.

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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    Whedon discussed some of the battles he had over the movie:

    Also interesting that he actually wanted to add in more ties to other characters/movies. (Wanting to add in Captain Marvel and Spider-Man)
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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    Matt said:

    For the record, Kevin Feige seems to confirm that the TV universe IS directly related to the MCU, or in the same "section" in spite of Joss's babblings...

    Slashfilm: Now, when Nick Fury goes away and comes back with a Helicarrier, that seems like a big chunk of off screen story. Is that something we might see referenced on SHIELD?

    Feige: I think it’s fair to say you could fill in some of those blanks in the coming weeks on Tuesday at 9.
    Referenced here
    Why would anyone believe a guy who directs 2 movies & co-created 1 of the TV series?

    I don't look at it as 'babbling' as much as having limited involvement on the grand plan.


    "Limited involvement" is a good way to put it.

    Which is why I'll believe what Feige says over Whedon.

    That is, until Feige says something stupid, akin to Amazing Spider-Man being an expansion of Raimi's Spider-flicks. ;)
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    I believe any of those involved...

    that is until I disagree with them ;)
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    bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    edited May 2015
    ok i listned to the podcast
    doesnt sound like joss really had a major gripe witih marvel
    he sounded quite matter of fact

    i think the bloggers are just trying to get views by creating controversy
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    bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    wtf is happening?

    James Gunn
    15 mins ·
    Imagine being a guy, like Joss Whedon, who has committed his life to fandom and to creating the best characters he possibly can, characters he loves, and has spent two years of his life working on a movie, and then has to wake up to this shit on Twitter. Yes, I know - Age of Ultron has an "A" Cinemascore, and far and away most people loved it. But the angry contingent of fandom is getting more aggressive all the time, and it's difficult to block out as a person in the public eye.
    My plea to all of you - and this is nothing new - is that we all try to be a little kinder, on the Internet and elsewhere. And, honestly, that includes being kind to the people who are tweeting this nonsense. I don't believe you can tweet about wanting to find a movie director and "curbstomp" him and be a happy person. That person's statement might make you a little angry - that makes me angry too. But thank God the circumstances of my life and your life didn't lead us to being the person that has the need to anonymously tweet that to someone on the Internet. And, as much as we may want to respond with vitriol to these tweets, I think that just creates more insanity.
    As a young person I was very angry, and it's something I have worked on, both personally and through years of therapy. And if I can say one truth about anger, it is that anger is almost never anger. Anger - especially aggressive and abusive anger - is a way to deal with feeling insecure, sad, hurt, vulnerable, powerless, fearful, or confused. Those feelings, for many of us, are a lot more difficult to deal with and acknowledge than anger. Anger makes us feel "right". And powerful. But it also usually exacerbates whatever the underlying, more uncomfortable feeling is.
    A couple months ago someone on Twitter wrote me that something one of my characters said in my movie hurt him. I've gotten hundreds of tweets from people angry about moments in my films over the years, and I just ignore them, or get angry in return. But that one tweet affected me profoundly. The last thing I want to do with my work is hurt someone, especially someone who already feels disenfranchised. That made me think about what I write and what I put in my films, and I will be more thoughtful about situations like it in the future. That is, one honest and vulnerable tweet affected more change in me than hundreds of angry ones.
    So, again, it's easy to be outraged by these tweets. But whatever these angry tweeters are in need of, I don't think it's more anger and more rage thrown back at them on Twitter. I actually think that's what they're seeking. But what they need is something different. Compassion, maybe? A kind request for boundaries? I don't know. Maybe you guys have some ideas.
    And by the way - Yes, I know there are real issues at play here. But, again, I don't think the way to affect change is through rage. That is just going to increase whatever divide you're experiencing in the first place. I believe that there are a handful of truly evil, awful human beings out there. But the majority of us on all sides of an issue think we're doing the right thing and are doing the best we can. If we assume that of each other, it makes life a lot easier.
    Love you all,
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    edited May 2015
    Cowards can now have a voice AND be anonymous.

    They want everything catered them & think with this new achieved voice, they matter more then others.

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    bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    i didnt even realize there was twitter hate towards joss right now... time to search
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457
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    MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    Didn't someone make a bugaboo about Whedon "stating" the tv shows & movies are separate? I just watched the necessary 5 minutes of AoS to see the AoU tie-in.

    It's safe to say, they're connected.

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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    Matt said:

    Didn't someone make a bugaboo about Whedon "stating" the tv shows & movies are separate? I just watched the necessary 5 minutes of AoS to see the AoU tie-in.

    It's safe to say, they're connected.


    The internet has a difficult time parsing subtlety.
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    shanebshaneb Posts: 109
    I know this is the unpopular position amongst our circles, but I really don't care for Joss Whedon in general. If his comments are going to affect the Marvel Studios continuity that has been years in the making, I'm probably just going to like him even less.
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    bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    WetRats said:

    Matt said:

    Didn't someone make a bugaboo about Whedon "stating" the tv shows & movies are separate? I just watched the necessary 5 minutes of AoS to see the AoU tie-in.

    It's safe to say, they're connected.


    The internet has a difficult time parsing subtlety.
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    bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    i think Joss Whedon is overrated...

    Firefly and Avengers 1 was awesome... but everything else... meh
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    WetRatsWetRats Posts: 6,314
    I think the word "overrated" is overused.
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    David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited May 2015
    WetRats said:

    I think the word "overrated" is overused.

    I also find that, the older I get, the less I worry about whether something is "overrated". If something is connecting with an audience, then great. Not everything needs to be for me, or rated the way I would rate it.

    I find the idea that some artists are underrated, and aren't finding the audience they should, to be more compelling, and more worth my attention. I would rather see them find more of an audience then I care about seeing something I don't connect with find less.
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    bamfbamfbamfbamf Posts: 718
    Peter David is underrated

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    DoctorDoomDoctorDoom Posts: 2,586
    edited May 2015
    Read some more stuff he said. I don't think I'll be doing that again.

    I'd like to thank Joss for his work on the movies, and the premiere of Agents of Shield, and leave it at that.

    Without him, a lot of Marvel stuff wouldn't have been possible.

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    Chuck_MelvilleChuck_Melville Posts: 3,003
    bamfbamf said:

    i think Joss Whedon is overrated...

    Firefly and Avengers 1 was awesome... but everything else... meh

    In general, I kind of agree with that... at least to this point: I enjoy his shows, but find that, like a Chinese dinner, I'm still hungry an hour later. That is, I've seen the show, enjoyed them, but have trouble remembering what I saw later. Avengers is the exception to the rule.
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