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DC Comics Rebirth #1 - SPOILERS -

I'm creating this thread for those who want to discuss the contents of the issue and to keep those discussions out of the "Official Announcement" and "Hating On" threads.

I've read it..thoughts below!


  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    Don't know how it will all work, but I think the idea of Dr. Manhattan creating the new DC universe is fairly ingenious.
  • SolitaireRoseSolitaireRose Posts: 1,445
    The info leaked over the weekend, which shouldn't surprise me at all. I think that it is a case of trying to fix stuff they shouldn't have broken in the first place. The whole "This is the start of a two year storyline that will feed through all of the books" just puts me off.

    And if I were a retailer, I'd be a bit worried that all of those New52 trades are destined for my bargain bin.
  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    Saw some amusing speculation about how Marvel will no doubt drop a new trailer or announce who's playing Captain Marvel this week in order to steal DC's thunder. Again.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967

    Tall of those New52 trades are destined for my bargain bin.

    Count on it.

  • aquatroyaquatroy Posts: 552

    And if I were a retailer, I'd be a bit worried that all of those New52 trades are destined for my bargain bin.

    Agreed. However, it will be a great opportunity for someone to pick up the Azzarello & Tan Wonder Woman trades. Outstanding work.
  • nweathingtonnweathington Posts: 6,751
    aquatroy said:

    However, it will be a great opportunity for someone to pick up the Azzarello & Tan Wonder Woman trades. Outstanding work.

    The Wonder Woman trades by Azzarello and Cliff Chiang are much better. ;)
  • aquatroyaquatroy Posts: 552

    aquatroy said:

    However, it will be a great opportunity for someone to pick up the Azzarello & Tan Wonder Woman trades. Outstanding work.

    The Wonder Woman trades by Azzarello and Cliff Chiang are much better. ;)
    Yeah. Them trades.
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    I'm more than happy to pick up some of the New52 books that end up in that bargain bin.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457

    Saw some amusing speculation about how Marvel will no doubt drop a new trailer or announce who's playing Captain Marvel this week in order to steal DC's thunder. Again.

    That'd be hilarious.
  • BrackBrack Posts: 868

    Saw some amusing speculation about how Marvel will no doubt drop a new trailer or announce who's playing Captain Marvel this week in order to steal DC's thunder. Again.

    Surely they should announce that Marvelman is joining the Marvel Universe.
  • TheOriginalGManTheOriginalGMan Posts: 1,763
    Reading that "Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan #4" (the issue where he apparently creates the DC Universe) has skyrocketed on eBay.
  • CaptShazamCaptShazam Posts: 1,178

    Reading that "Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan #4" (the issue where he apparently creates the DC Universe) has skyrocketed on eBay.

    I hope JMS and Adam Hughes (and I guess also Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons) get some big royalty checks...I mean they did create the New 52. :-)
  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794

    Reading that "Before Watchmen: Dr Manhattan #4" (the issue where he apparently creates the DC Universe) has skyrocketed on eBay.

    I hope JMS and Adam Hughes (and I guess also Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons) get some big royalty checks...I mean they did create the New 52. :-)
    Depending on who you talk to, that's also a hangin' offense. :)

    /I dug (a good chunk of) it, though.

  • deadpooldeadpool Posts: 56
    just read my copy. So mixed. Ed brubakers twitter spoiled the Doc M twist but i didn't realize other watchmen characters where coming into it. feels more like they where setting up a DCU v Watchmen by the end. Was very happy to get Wally West back but thought making "other" wally another nephew of Iris also named Wally a bit of a weird cop out than just say "two wallys" . Plus this did not answer the three joker question (which i'm assuming are three era's of DC but that aspect isn't answered) . Was great to see Ted Kord Again. Dr Oz and superman's death was more mystery which i don't mind but knowing Johns isn't writing anything anytime soon.
  • Mr_CosmicMr_Cosmic Posts: 3,200
    edited May 2016
    H O L Y S H I T

    First, the comic was like a breath of fresh air. I knew it was Wally from the start and just reading his thoughts and memories of the pre-52 was so nice. I loved how the issue touched on so many different characters from Blue Beetle to the Legion of Superheroes. I'm excited to see where most of these stories go. I haven't been reading much DC so I'm not sure who the kid staring into the aquarium is, for example, but that was OK. I loved that Pandora got fried..reading that scene was cathartic..almost like all my thoughts towards the new 52 were summed up in that moment.

    I couldn't wait for my DCBS order so I bought and read this digitally. Frankly, I'm glad I did. Using the "panel by panel" feature really worked wonderfully on the Wally and Barry scene. I was convinced that Wally wasn't going to make it. I thought he'd play his part and do just enough to get the ball rolling with Barry and Bruce. When Barry said his name and grabbed his arm I just about yelled out, "YES!"

    Then...The Watchmen? WTF!!!???!!!! I'm not sure where they're going with that, but wow, I was NOT expecting it!
  • jaydee74jaydee74 Posts: 1,526
    It was good. It was very very good.
  • BionicDaveBionicDave Posts: 377
    Mr_Cosmic said:

    H O L Y S H I T
    I couldn't wait for my DCBS order so I bought and read this digitally. Frankly, I'm glad I did. Using the "panel by panel" feature really worked wonderfully on the Wally and Barry scene.

    I maintain that the "panel view" feature of reading digitally is the greatest thing to happen to comics since Jack Kirby. I have been using it for five (?) years now - and it brings so much more SUSPENSE and DRAMA to my comic books!! Finally, my stories are not spoiled by turning a page only to see what will happen before I'm supposed to. Panel view also lets me focus on the artwork which goes into each individual panel, because I'm not just glossing over them to continue the narrative. Okay, I'll stop now, I just can't praise panel view highly enough.

    As for DC Comics Rebirth #1 - I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thumbs up :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: The real proof of concept, though, will be in the follow-up; to see if this issue's spirit and mandate will be found in the next year or two of monthly (and bi-monthly) DC comic books. We have all read wonderful kick-off books for DC and Marvel reboots... the real convincing starts with the regular titles. Here's hoping the coming ride will be just as fun.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited May 2016

    The info leaked over the weekend, which shouldn't surprise me at all. I think that it is a case of trying to fix stuff they shouldn't have broken in the first place. The whole "This is the start of a two year storyline that will feed through all of the books" just puts me off.

    And if I were a retailer, I'd be a bit worried that all of those New52 trades are destined for my bargain bin.

    Will there be room in those bins with all those unsold Before Watchmen issues clogging them up?

    (I guess, except that one Dr. Manhattan issue people now care about. I meant the other 36 issues of Before Watchmen I often see in cheap bins and DCBS clearance sales.)

    For me, 4/5ths of Rebirth seemed like a good 'here are the books and we're trying to give you what you want' primer. It looks good, and is a lot of reading for $3.

    But the Watchmen stuff? Embarrassing. Seems desperate to get some buzz and controversy going. Is this how the New-New DCU is supposed to be looking FORWARD? Ugh.

    That said, there are new DCbooks coming with creative teams I am interested in, and I will still be giving those a try. Hopefully whatever this Watchmen nonsense is will be limited to books I am not reading, and not become some framing device that runs through everything.
  • derekwilcderekwilc Posts: 11
    Loved it. Buuuuuut - I'm concerned that in two years we'll be right back where we started. A few good books, a few middle level books, and a few books that make you say, "what makes DC think they can sell this?"

    I really wish they would use this as a way to tell stories in a new way. I'm not sure how - maybe integrate multi-media platforms, new art styles, new way of presentation. The New 52 had promise, but for all of the "changes," in six months we were right back to reading stories not fundamentally different than before Flashpoint.

    And that was a wasted opportunity.**

    ** Now, I'll be satisfied if the characters going forward are likeable and who you'd want to have a beer with. No more cranky Batman and Emo-Superman.
  • BionicDaveBionicDave Posts: 377
    Also: am I the only one whose eye tripped up on the watch face on page 1? :lol: Watches with roman numerals use "IIII" for 4, not "IV" (though I haven't the foggiest reason why)
  • nweathingtonnweathington Posts: 6,751

    Watches with roman numerals use "IIII" for 4, not "IV" (though I haven't the foggiest reason why)

    It’s entirely due to design aesthetics. It just “looks better” because of the symmetry, and it goes back centuries. And actually, IIII and IV were interchangeable during Roman times (thanks Latin class!). The IV didn't become the standard until after the Middle Ages.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited May 2016
    Here is how Johns explains (spins?) the use of the Watchmen characters in an interview today with WSJ.

    It turns out, this is not about getting the Internet buzzing, or trying to sell some comics with the prospect of Batman punching Rorschach, or Superman fighting Dr. Manhattan.

    No, it seems that, all that lack of fun and joy and hope that many complained about in so many of those New 52 books (as well as in recent DC movies)... that was actually Moore and Gibbons' fault. You know, because of a comic they did back when Reagan was president, that was not even in, or I would argue, even about, the DCU.
    The writer says “Rebirth” is an attempt to deconstruct the deconstruction of Moore and Gibbons’s work. “I think ‘Watchmen’ is a great book, but I don’t think a cynical take on superheroes is the truthful one,” says Johns. “Everyone says that’s the realistic look. I reject that because I think people at their base core are good.”
    Dr. Manhattan, a scientist warped into becoming a being that can transcend time and space, is the mysterious figure who has manipulated everything in the DC universe and, in the words of Johns, “stole love from us.”

    The writer says he knew exactly how the “Rebirth” issue would end even before he wrote it. Dr. Manhattan gives Johns and the creative teams at DC a powerful antagonist — not a supervillain, Johns stresses — and the character gives the comic a metaphorical weight. It’s time for the universe, then, to confront the legacy of “Watchmen” the way “Watchmen,” three decades ago, confronted the legacy of superhero comics.

    “He took things away that are starting to come back,” Johns says of Dr. Manhattan. “I think that’s a compelling story to tell. Ultimately, what is the more powerful force, is it belief or disbelief?”
    So... the reason why DC didn't publish more fun and hopeful comics, and that the New 52 was what it was is... because Dr. Manhattan stole all the love? Back in 1986.

    Were they trying so hard to get away from the legacy of Watchmen that, at nearly the same time as launching the New 52, they decided they needed to publish nearly 52 more issues of Watchmen material with Before Watchmen?

    Sorry. If you want to not do comics like Watchmen, then just don't do them. If you want fun, bright, hopeful, uncynical comics, then you can start making them immediately. Hell, you've got a brand new reboot to let you do exactly that. Why not just focus your energy on that. Today fans could be putting more energy into talking about the return of Wally, of Legion, of Ted Kord, of a new interesting character in Wonder Woman's mythos, etc. But putting in the Watchmen characters has sucked all the energy and attention away from that.

    This is not 'deconstructing the deconstruction' so that you can finally be free of that mean old 12 issue Watchmen comic that took all your fun away. This is trading on the legacy of Watchmen to try to make another buck off of this 30 year old work that was never intended to be a "universe", it was just a book. Because it still outsells anything they have published lately.

    This is not some grand, intellectual defense of hope vs. cynicism. It is, itself, a newly low piece of cynicism on DC's part.

    It is DCU V Watchmen.

    The full article here.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    Did we just jump back to right after Flashpoint, but everyone has memories of the New 52? So we went from less continuity to ALL of it happened, plus - these Charleton characters are the ones to blame for DC's failings?

    So meta.
  • BionicDaveBionicDave Posts: 377
    edited May 2016
    So okay: the now famous hand which is reaching out to our heroes on the cover of DC UNIVERSE REBIRTH #1 - is it Dr. Manhattan's, or is it Wally's? I know it might appear blue, and I know people have been saying it's Dr. M... but then, why are our heroes reaching out to it? Wally is this issue's "helping hand," he is the one reaching out to our heroes and, in the end, restoring their comic book souls. The cover makes more sense if it's Wally's hand.
  • bralinatorbralinator Posts: 5,967
    It's definitely someone whose name begins with "Wa..."
  • BrackBrack Posts: 868
    Morrison just did the "there are forces outside our comic book universe making it darker" bit in Multiversity with The Gentry.

    And at least that had the decency to blame publishers', writers' and readers' thirst for blood rather than Alan Moore.

    Plus it's easier to take being preached to by the guy who wrote Flex Mentallo than it is from the guy who wrote Infinite Crisis.
  • David_DDavid_D Posts: 3,884
    edited May 2016
    Brack said:

    Morrison just did the "there are forces outside our comic book universe making it darker" bit in Multiversity with The Gentry.

    And at least that had the decency to blame publishers', writers' and readers' thirst for blood rather than Alan Moore.

    Plus it's easier to take being preached to by the guy who wrote Flex Mentallo than it is from the guy who wrote Infinite Crisis.


    Geoff Johns has had a hand on the tiller of the DCU--as a writer of their most high profile books, as well as in various levels of management-- for 10 years now.

    Rebirth is his, what, second or third relaunch/reboot?

    He has been Chief Creative Officer of DC Comics since 2010.

    He was an Executive Producer on Batman V Superman.

    I think it is a little rich for him to be repudiating those 416 pages of Watchmen from 30 years ago as having all this power over these characters (and, I guess, him?) now. Like Moore and Gibbons are still stuffing him in a locker.

    How many tens of thousands of pages has Johns written-- and overseen as CCO-- in those 30 years between Watchmen and now?

    If he wants to make good, hopeful, loving superhero comics, then why hasn't he done so in all those years?

    Real talk: having Watchmen characters in the Rebirth era is making a buck in one of the oldest, shrewdest ways Big Two comics know. And that is not surprising. It's Big 2 corporate comics, in the Internet age. I know the game is the game. And everything is game. And even one of your few, actual classics is not safe from being treated as just more 'toys in the toybox' and used to generate some cheap heat.

    But I think what really gets me-- more than their timid idea of looking backwards to Watchmen to generate controversy, rather than focusing forward on Rebirth and what is new-- are these claims by Johns that this is some big, grand attempt of finally snatching love and hope for superheroes away from the darkness and cynicism of Watchmen.


    This is not 'deconstructing the deconstruction'. This is Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman.

    Except in this more cynical case, imagine in the 1940s, if the suits at Universal Studios gave interviews claiming that the Wolf Man would be meeting and fighting Frankenstein to finally get away from how that terrible meanie James Whale stole all the love from monster movies back in 1931.

  • TorchsongTorchsong Posts: 2,794
    I'm reminded of Ordway's post-Watchmen run on Power of Shazam! What a dark, horrifying reconstruction of the classic hero and his supporting cast.

    Oh wait.
  • hauberkhauberk Posts: 1,511
    edited May 2016

    Also: am I the only one whose eye tripped up on the watch face on page 1? :lol: Watches with roman numerals use "IIII" for 4, not "IV" (though I haven't the foggiest reason why)

    I used to be in jewelry sales. I've seen watches with both roman numeral variants. IV is much less common but they're out there.
  • MattMatt Posts: 4,457
    David_D said:

    Brack said:

    Morrison just did the "there are forces outside our comic book universe making it darker" bit in Multiversity with The Gentry.

    And at least that had the decency to blame publishers', writers' and readers' thirst for blood rather than Alan Moore.

    Plus it's easier to take being preached to by the guy who wrote Flex Mentallo than it is from the guy who wrote Infinite Crisis.


    Geoff Johns has had a hand on the tiller of the DCU--as a writer of their most high profile books, as well as in various levels of management-- for 10 years now.

    Rebirth is his, what, second or third relaunch/reboot?

    He has been Chief Creative Officer of DC Comics since 2010.

    He was an Executive Producer on Batman V Superman.

    I think it is a little rich for him to be repudiating those 416 pages of Watchmen from 30 years ago as having all this power over these characters (and, I guess, him?) now. Like Moore and Gibbons are still stuffing him in a locker.

    How many tens of thousands of pages has Johns written-- and overseen as CCO-- in those 30 years between Watchmen and now?

    If he wants to make good, hopeful, loving superhero comics, then why hasn't he done so in all those years?

    Real talk: having Watchmen characters in the Rebirth era is making a buck in one of the oldest, shrewdest ways Big Two comics know. And that is not surprising. It's Big 2 corporate comics, in the Internet age. I know the game is the game. And everything is game. And even one of your few, actual classics is not safe from being treated as just more 'toys in the toybox' and used to generate some cheap heat.

    But I think what really gets me-- more than their timid idea of looking backwards to Watchmen to generate controversy, rather than focusing forward on Rebirth and what is new-- are these claims by Johns that this is some big, grand attempt of finally snatching love and hope for superheroes away from the darkness and cynicism of Watchmen.


    This is not 'deconstructing the deconstruction'. This is Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman.

    Except in this more cynical case, imagine in the 1940s, if the suits at Universal Studios gave interviews claiming that the Wolf Man would be meeting and fighting Frankenstein to finally get away from how that terrible meanie James Whale stole all the love from monster movies back in 1931.

    Hot damn. I feel like @David_D came with both fist swing & a spade shovel as back up!

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