I'm also excited for Protector. Simon’s a good dude and an excellent writer (and artist). He also has a huge interest in Native American cultures, particularly prehistoric Native Americans, so I’m not at all surprised this future world has that flavor. November vol. 1 came out just a couple of weeks ago. It’s an interesting read. Going by the preview of the second volume, it appears that each book is going to tell the story from a different character’s perspective. At least, that’s the impression I get. And that would make sense, given that the first volume felt somewhat fragmented, like it wasn’t telling the whole story of what was going on, only what this particular character knew (which wasn’t all that much). Looking forward to the second book. @wildpigcomics, I’m reading Manifest Destiny (though I’m way behind). It’s my son’s (who has a history degree and is an aficionado of both alternate history and horror) favorite book. I’m not as big on horror, but what I’ve read so far has been quite good.
Blackhawk was not only a Quality comic, it was the reason DC bought out the Quality heroes, as it was far and away Quality’s best seller, which is why it appeared at DC within just a couple of months of DC having purchased it (along with G.I. Combat, Heart Throbs, and Robin Hood Tales), while the rest of the gang had to wait several years—1966 for Plastic Man, and 1972 for the newly named Freedom Fighters.
The Plain Janes books were probably my favorite of the Minx line. I wish the third book was being offered on its own, as I would certainly buy it. Not sure if I want to get this collection when I already have two-thirds of the material. But I recommend it to anyone who likes YA fiction and hasn’t read this before.
November vol. 1 came out just a couple of weeks ago. It’s an interesting read. Going by the preview of the second volume, it appears that each book is going to tell the story from a different character’s perspective. At least, that’s the impression I get. And that would make sense, given that the first volume felt somewhat fragmented, like it wasn’t telling the whole story of what was going on, only what this particular character knew (which wasn’t all that much). Looking forward to the second book.
@wildpigcomics, I’m reading Manifest Destiny (though I’m way behind). It’s my son’s (who has a history degree and is an aficionado of both alternate history and horror) favorite book. I’m not as big on horror, but what I’ve read so far has been quite good.