With expert timing, we jump out of the shadows for another Introducing...! This time, we focus on the first appearances of some of the most nimble martial artists of the comic book world: DC's Karate Kid, Marvel's Shang-Chi (now a major motion picture), and Mirage's (now IDW's) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If you'd like to read along with us, you can find these character premieres in Adventure Comics #346, Special Marvel Edition #15, and of course, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1. These origins also manage to span the Silver, Bronze and Copper Age of comics, as America's appreciation of the martial arts went from a passing glance to a full blown obsession. How do the issues hold up? Listen in to find out, but please, don't try this at home; leave that to the Living Weapons. (1:15:35)
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One of the turtles' first words was pizza. I read a reprint version though so maybe they added that in later.
Excellent post credits moment for this episode!
@i_am_scifi, re: the coloring for the LSH story, I'm sure that it was not scanned, but rather digitally colored from scratch, just matching the original coloring job. My buddy and longtime DC colorist Tom Ziuko has done a ton of work like that for DC and Marvel’s reprint collections. He can look at a Silver Age comic and say, “That’s 25% yellow, 25% magenta” [the most common skin tone combo back then, BTW], and quickly knock out the pages.