Get your monthly dose of Previews, compliments of Murd and Ian, then Chris as of Dark Horse! We cover Diamond Previews 406, DC Connect 26, and Marvel Previews issue 10, for books mostly set for release in September, 2022. Get ready for some of the corniest jokes you've heard from us in a while, and some Murd singing! It's the cure for what ails ya. (2:48:41)
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@wildpigcomics re: Gun Honey - the currently solicited volume is actually the second mini series for Gun Honey. The first volume is currently available in trade, and is presumably what all those writers were raving about in the solicits.
As a big fan of crime books, I buy pretty much everything Titan publishes in the Hard Case line. The first Gun Honey was one of the better ones; I’ll be buying the second mini when it hits the shelves.