Feel free to click the "dislike" button after reading this link because I know if there was one under it, I would.
http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/05/11/augmented-reality-content-for-marvels-avx-hardcover-future-of/1. I don't like the way they're trying to get people to double dip by putting extras in the HC.
2. "Looking at the sales for Marvel and its competitors, it certainly doesn’t seem like the $3.99 price point is a huge barrier for fans or retailers. We believe the price of our comics is justified by the content and that we deliver an exceptional value for the price."
That quote is really further cementing my decision to stop buying new issues and just buy back issues.
Now that I am on a strick budget marvel is easy to ignore. They have made it so difficult to follow one book without having to read several others in the same family. I can read whatever dc book I want and not miss out on anything by not reading the whole family.
What happened to the days of quesadilla mandating only one or two books per character? That made for some good forward motion. Things happened.
And as much as I love bendis' writing, I don't need him writing every book.
As for number crunching, they are keeping up with the competition by having that extra dollar and double shipping. It's like 3d film surcharges artificially boosting a poor gross. What would happen if they dropped to 2.99 and shipped once a month?