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Avengers Assemble #4 (spoilers)

I know that Mark Bagley is not everyone's cup of tea, but I really enjoy his artwork. His run on Thunderbolts was always "top of the stack" every week it came out, and this new Avengers Assemble title recaptures that same magic for me. I was skeptical at first, I thought this was going to be a crap movie promo book, but it has (so-far) been really great!

The return of Thanos! (awesome, even though it is sort of a "movie promo book" thing to do). Dig the new zodiac. Love that Thanos is still trying to get his hands on cosmic goodies (ala infinity gems), and will hopefully lead to more Marvel history.

And that last page couldn't have made me happier! Guardians was my favourite title before it got the axe. Obviously there is some back story to the return of Thanos, and it makes sense to tie-in Starlord, given the last we saw of the purple titan. Interesting to note that the team was not in their Guardian uniforms and that Peter Quill was back in his Byrne era outfit. And where is Groot!?!

Hopefully Nova won't be far behind.
and a Warlock appearance would be nice too.
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