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Episode 1239 Talkback: Batman - Night of the Owls



  • PaulPaul Posts: 169
    Just reading some of the earlier posts. Can you imagine if Capullo had drawn R.I.P.? For me, Tony Daniel's art was the only flaw in that series. He was just too literal an artist to be working with Morrison's more abstract concepts. Capullo though... That would have been fantastic!
  • This episode made me download the first issue. I'm new to digital comics and am getting use to reading on a device. How about a segment about the difference between reading digital comics and the dead tree version?
    I'll try to touch on that. Shane and I are the only ones doing didigtal currently. Good idea
  • NickNick Posts: 284
    I haven't listened to the episode yet because I just read the crossover, but WOW, what a NON crossover! It really was like those crappy tie in events that Marvel used to do in the 90's, where they set up a premise, said the books all tied in, and yet it was "Oh, and these guys fight a reaver" rather than moving ANY of the story forward. None of the tie-ins felt like the resolved anything, and their next issues, for the most part, have just moved on as if the stories had nothing to do with what issue 9 was about.

    Red Skies crossovers and nothing that gave the story resolution in any of the tie ins. If all of their future crossover events are like this, I can easily pass by the books that I don't follow with is NOT what you want people to think when you do this sort of thing.
    I actually liked this format. Previous crossovers (from both companies) have had the crossover run through every book that you "had" to read but never did much for the story. I like this format, where you can read Batman and just Batman, or you can try other books if you are really interested in the Talons. It is a tricky situation though when you mention not reading online solicits ahead of time to know what you need to read, but at the same time DC isn't going to put "you DON'T need to read these other books!" in all the ads. I guess with the reboot of DC we need to reboot what we think we know about crossovers.

    @Elsiebub I couldn't get into the Morrison stuff, but I can see what you are saying as similarites, but really after 70 years and thousands of issues of Batman haven't all the ideas really been used somewhere before to some extent?
  • There use to be a pre-crisis Earth-one Thomas Wayne Jr.,he was a mental patient at Willowood Asylum.He first appeared in World's Finest #223.I'm suprised Morrison didn't try to bring him back and make him Dr. Hurt.
  • PaulPaul Posts: 169
    There use to be a pre-crisis Earth-one Thomas Wayne Jr.,he was a mental patient at Willowood Asylum.He first appeared in World's Finest #223.I'm suprised Morrison didn't try to bring him back and make him Dr. Hurt.
    When he was doing RIP, I thought for sure that it was going to end up with a similar ending to The Untold Legend of the Batman miniseries, as all indications seemed to be leading there.

  • UrbalcloudUrbalcloud Posts: 42
    Morrison and Snyder's Batman arcs may have excessive similarities, but I can't deny really enjoying both of them in spite of that. It's a great example of how quality of story can trump things like continuity, or even simple familiarity.

    For the record, I like Snyder's tale better than Morrison's, and Capullo is a God-king compared to Tony Daniels, but I may still geek out more over Morrison's story, what with its nods to silver age absurdity and penchant for embracing, and attempting to explain, the disturbed.
  • This episode made me download the first issue. I'm new to digital comics and am getting use to reading on a device. How about a segment about the difference between reading digital comics and the dead tree version?
    I'll try to touch on that. Shane and I are the only ones doing didigtal currently. Good idea
    I read them via download myself, also my first time with dig comics, I found it a little odd at first, but got use to it quick, it felt like it makes the issues longer by having the pannels displayed as the were. I have to say Im for it... until you get to an issue of madness where the book is printed upsidedown and the device wont let you flip it to read... good thing I can read upsidedown
  • TobyToby Posts: 91
    Elsiebub said:

    Good episode, guys.

    Basically, my main "detraction" (not really a "complaint") to Snyder's story is just that it's way too similar to certain things Morrison did in "Batman R.I.P." and "Batman & Robin". So many plotpoints were already used in a very similar storyline just a few years ago: all those things regarding secret elite organizations and Gotham/Wayne family history. And, reading "Night of the Owls", just when I thought the parallels to Morrison were finally over, Snyder gives us a guy who looks a lot like Bruce who turns out to be related to him -- which is a LOT like Dr. Hurt (who turned out to be a different Thomas Wayne). And then we've got an upcoming "Talon" comic, just like after "R.I.P." we had a new "Azrael" -- and both of these titles will be based on "the one assassin that the evil organization lost control of".

    I feel like hitting myself over the head with a hammer sometimes because so many aspects of this seem waaaaaaaaaaay too familiar.

    Totally agree. Really enjoyed the Capullo art and hope one day it will hit the market.

    So let's just say for the sake of the argument that the tales were so similar that we could grade them alongside one another.

    I like the straightforward approach of Snyder's narrative, less metatextual and no psychadelia with a huge edge given to Capullo.

    Others later in the same thread said much the same and I would like to give them credit for banging that drum first.

    Also, I like the long-winded Snyder word balloons, felt like I was getting my time's worth for reading it. Decompressed story-telling needs to take a hike for a while. Gorgeous rendering with plenty of cityscape and backgrounds...enough with double page splashes.

    I took a breakafter Batman 8 and read all of House of M (by the way, extremely enjoyable and very fun with excellent Coipel work) and then came back to finish to Batman 12.


    Minor nick-picking... were we to believe that Batman wondered the maze for 8 days then beat down one of the Talons?

    Probably some "Bat"-granola bars in that tool belt to give him a lift.
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